Stating Faith

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Prayer for Quick Obedience – 1 Kings 19:19-21

1 Kings 19:19-23 documents the call of Elisha.

It is such an inspiring example of quick obedience.

Let us dive into this bit of scripture to see what yumminess we can extract for our own lives.

Scripture – 1 Kings 19:19-21

19 So he departed from there and found Elisha the son of Shaphat, who was plowing with twelve yoke of oxen in front of him, and he was with the twelfth. Elijah passed by him and cast his cloak upon him. 20 And he left the oxen and ran after Elijah and said, “Let me kiss my father and my mother, and then I will follow you.” And he said to him, “Go back again, for what have I done to you?” 21 And he returned from following him and took the yoke of oxen and sacrificed them and boiled their flesh with the yokes of the oxen and gave it to the people, and they ate. Then he arose and went after Elijah and assisted him.


Elijah here was responding to the soft, still voice of God described in the previous verses.

This is the first indication in this chosen text of quick obedience, even though Elijah was carrying out God’s instructions in reverse order.

God had instructed him to anoint three people and Elisha was the third – his replacement as prophet to the people. Read 1 Kings 19:15-18.

Verse 19 tells us a few things about Elisha:

  • Elisha wasn’t found idling. He was quite busy plowing his twelfth yoke of oxen. This means he had already diligently completed quite a bit of work
  • Elisha was not lacking. To have 12 yokes of oxen meant he had amassed that. It would have taken dedication to reach that level of success already

“Elijah passed by him and cast his cloak upon him.”

Note that the scripture doesn’t indicate any dialogue so we can surmise that Elijah simply acted in quick obedience here.

This unusual but simple act was immediately understood by Elisha to signify the passing on of the prophetic mantle.

Now this wasn’t any normal cloak.

2 Kings 1:8 describes a ‘garment of hair’ – likely dried out animal skin.

So as you read this scripture, try to visualize this action, recognizing that this interruption in Elisha’s daily activities was really significant.

1 Kings 19:20

Elisha responds immediately to this act by abandoning his work to indicate acceptance.

From here we see unmistakeable eagerness and quickness to obey.

Elijah might not have intended for him to take this mantle up immediately but Elisha was not going to miss the opportunity and compromise his calling.

“Let me kiss my father and my mother, and then I will follow you” communicates a firm resolve to change his whole life.

He would kiss his parents to bid them goodbye.

The Amplified Bible gives us a clue that Elijah’s response indicated agreement.

It reads “Go on back; for what have I done to [stop] you?”

1 Kings 19:21

Elisha performed what appears to be very radical actions here by sacrificing his yoke of oxen.

Remember, there were 12 of them and he boiled them and fed them to the people.

This flows with his symbolic farewell kisses to his mother and father.

Here is a man who was resolute in his decision, destroying all physical possibility of returning to what he would have grown accustomed to.

That was it, Elisha was not going to miss his destiny.

Note too that he didn’t just cut ties with his people even though he now had a new focus.

He took the time to depart in a loving way by feeding the people with what was once his.


This story is so inspiring and instructive.

We can use it to convict us to strive for quick obedience in our lives.

Think on it…

  • How would your life be different if you grabbed every opportunity to respond swiftly to what God says to you?
  • Like Elisha, is there anything that you need to give up to be more obedient to God? (distractions, idols, bad habits)

Elisha was sold out for his calling but he didn’t just switch gears and abandon his people sans any warning.

This is a significant application for us today.

We live in a sad reality of ‘cancel culture’ where the oft-repeated mantra of ‘cut off toxic people’ is touted.

Christians must not follow suit.

As devout Christ Followers, we can take a page from Elisha and not just abandon people.

We instead can ask Holy Spirit to guide us into setting healthy boundaries where we no longer idolize friendships and other relationships in our lives.

We can surrender our plans and whole hearts to Him, listen to hear Him speak and decide to be resolute in obeying what God says to us.


Mighty God, maker of heaven and earth
Thank You for the call You have placed on my life.
I surrender wholly to Your will.
I want more of You and less of me.
Search my heart and reveal all that needs to be 
Holy Spirit, guide me unto righteousness
and show me how to be a light in the darkness
for those You will have me encounter.
Help me I pray, to be quick in obedience
and help me to abandon all that that does 
not serve me or glorify You
In Jesus' name.

Prayer for Quick Obedience  based on 1 Kings 19:19-21

Before You Go

We pray this bible study blessed you today.

If you have read through to here we wanna leave you with the gift of song.

Here is More Of You By Canadian gospel artiste, Shawna Cain.

It’s a bop.


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