2 Kings 6:17 has a prayer that ought to inspire every bold believer.
Let us see what gems can be found in this scripture today.
Scripture – 2 Kings 6:17
17 Then Elisha prayed and said, “O Lord, please open his eyes that he may see.” So the Lord opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw, and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.
We want to camp out here at verse 17 but we of course first need context since the verse begins with ‘then’.
The king of Syria was at odds with Israel. He was also made aware that Elisha was behind all his recent failed attempts at war.
So this verse came about after he sent a massive army to capture Elisha.
Elisha, who was alone with only one servant, prayed this prayer because the young man was consumed with fear.
First, Elisha made a brave proclamation in 2 Kings 6:16 that bold believers still cling to today.
Now on to verse 17…
Elisha here prays such a simple yet powerful prayer.
He asked God for the spiritual eyes of his servant to be opened.
His physical eyes were working perfectly well.
The issue was with his discernment.
He was so gripped with fear, and justifiably so, that he was not able to sense anything else.
Note too that this prayer was not for God to miraculously save them.
He did not ask for God to change the dire situation.
Elisha was aware of the reality that those who were with them was indeed more than the massive enemy army.
He knew with certainty that fear was uncalled for.
Elisha also understood that his servant could not be made to believe what he couldn’t see in this case.
But a lack of vision does not cancel out spiritual realities.

2 Kings 6:17 also shows a swift response to Elisha’s prayer.
So quite a bit happened in this single verse.
God did what only He can do.
Elisha, ‘powerful’ as he was, could not cause the servant to see.
His power was in his faith.
But God, and God alone can open the eyes of spiritual blindness.
We can only imagine the awe that gripped this young man when he saw the reality before him.
And what a spiritual reality it was!
“and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.”
Notice that the count of the spiritual army was so great that no number could be specified.
The mountain simply was filled with them.
Note too the magnificence of those horses standing around with chariots of fire.
This symbolism of fire speaks to a different level of protection.
A fierceness that speaks to divinity and that leaves no doubt of the supernatural power being wielded.
Today’s verse reminds us to have faith that God is still working even when we cannot see physical evidence.
It also shows us is that God is willing to open our spiritual eyes.
He wants us to be spiritually discerning.
If it is His will and we are bold enough to pray, He will give us His vision.
That should both comfort and excite us.
It encourages us to pray for breakthroughs.
To ask to see the bigger picture.
We must know that through diligently seeking Him, the Holy Spirit will indeed reveal things to us.
2 Kings 6:17, if nothing else, encourages us to have faith.
Faith is believing in what we cannot physically see.
Spiritual discernment now will show us what the average person cannot sense.
Yahweh, how marvelous and mighty You are. You breathed life into the world and created such perfection. You created both the intricate and perfect physical world and You orchestrate the unseen world. How You omnisciently keep everything in order will forever keep me in awe. I thank You today Lord because You are truly holy. There is none like You and there never will be. Holy Spirit, thank You for being with me always. Thank You for indwelling me and equipping me with all I need for life and Godliness. I ask today that You open my spiritual eyes. I want to possess strong spiritual discernment. Help me to grow in faith I pray. Remind me of the truth Elisha uttered that there is indeed more with me spiritually than those that my naked eyes can see. Give me supernatural awareness in different situations Lord. Help me to be hyper aware of the needs and motives of others and grant me the divine ability to diffuse hard situations by sharing love and light. Put a hedge of protection around me and cause me to walk through this life free of fear because of the truth that I am never alone. Thank You Jesus for Your promise that You will be with me always, even to the end of time. Glory, honor and praise be to Your name forever. Amen