Stating Faith

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What Does it Mean To Prosper and Be in Health? – 3 John 1:2

Scripture – 3 John 1:2

Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers

3 John 1:2 nkjv


John wrote this letter to his dear friend Gaius who was elderly.

Based on verse 4, it appears that John was Gaius’s spiritual mentor.

John was in this context, like that of a proud father over an obedient and spiritually mature son.

John’s expression here that “you may prosper in all things” shows sincere goodwill for his friend.

Contrary to the misapplication of prosperity teaching, this scripture is not about material wealth.

It is a direct contradiction of prosperity gospel.

In fact, John is speaking about both spiritual wealth and physical health.

It appears that his elderly friend was not faring well physically.

His spiritual health though was flourishing so much so that John’s prayer was for his physical health to follow suit.

3 John 1:2 esv

Application of the Scripture – 3 John 1:2

John hints at a correlation between the prospering of our souls and how we function in the physical world.

Could it be that our focus must first be the edification of our spirit man?

A soul that prospers will manifest in a healthy body.Joy and peace – the kind of peace in Philippians 4:7 is the portion of those who live out this verse.

And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Philippians 4:7 ESV

This shalom can affect physical healing

.Joy and emotional healing too can clear the path for prosperity in our efforts in life.

A healthy, prosperous soul will lean on and abide in God.

Such a soul will be guided by God into good health and abundant living.

This is how to live a purpose-driven life.


Father God, any prosperity I have experienced 
is because of You. 
You are my source and I want no prosperity that
You do not orchestrate.
I thank You God for refining and growth - the
maturing of my soul.
Father, my greatest desire is for my soul to prosper;
for my soul to commune with Yours.
Your word teaches me to seek You first and Your
And this I do seek wholeheartedly.
I trust and thank You that all other forms of 
prosperity will be added by You.
Thank You Holy Spirit for being my guide.
Thank You Lord for being in charge of my life
and for lifting that weight off me.
Grant me the desires You have for me and 
guide me into works that You have already
ordered for me.
In Jesus's name,

Song Selection

Today’s song choice is none other than The Blessing by Kari Jobe, Cody Carnes and Elevation Worship.

We have a feeling John would really have rocked to this track.

What say you?

Before You Go…

How did you enjoy this short look at 3 John 1:2?

If you liked this, check out another post we did on accessing God’s perfect peace.

Remember, this verse is not evidence supporting the prosperity theology but it is indeed a blessing.

God wants us all our souls to prosper and He wants us to be in good health.

Drop a comment below if this verse blesses you.

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