Stating Faith

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Taming The Tongue Through Scripture

Taming the Tongue is no easy feat.

We all  can identify instances in our lives where we missed the mark and let something despicable escape our lips.

If we are honest, we aren’t even able to count these times.

Sighs right?

This is an area in which we desperately need to enlist the help of the Holy Spirit.

Oh Holy Spirit, how we need You!

Today, I am reflecting on this great need. I am pouring over Ephesians 4:29 and following along with Day 4 of Transformation Church’s Prayer and Fasting.

As is customary for me, I turn the scripture I am meditating on into an affirmation.

Taming The Tongue - Ephesians 4v29

Here goes:

Taming The Tongue – Scripture Affirmation

I am surrendering my tongue to the help and direction of the Holy Spirit.
I am not letting  slanderous talk come out of my mouth.
I am denouncing gossip.
I am denouncing complaining.
I am denouncing yelling and vile outbursts.
I am denouncing cynical commentary.
I am denouncing lewd speech.
I am even denouncing the prideful need to prove that I am right by declaring that I am, or defending myself when there are opportunities to shut up and shine.
I am praying for the Holy Spirit's indwelling to spring forth in me, giving me the divine ability to speak in love.

I can do all things through Him who gives me strength and all things are possible to him who believes. See more

Taming The Tongue Sermon

Back in October 2020 I believe, Holly Furtick delivered one of the most impactful messages that has influenced how I look at myself and reflect on my speech.

Her sermon wasn’t titled ‘Taming The Tongue’ but that sure was the essence and the title she chose, is an encouragement in itself.

Funny enough, at the time I watched that sermon, I was on the cusp of giving someone a piece of my mind.

I felt offended by an assertion this person made and felt so justified in my desire to give this person a private call and put a mirror up to what I considered to be passive aggressiveness.

I decided to pray about it before because I was so incensed. It was during that prayer that the Holy Spirit reminded me that I had missed Elevation Church’s message the day before.

Oooh, can I tell ya!

I will just share it with you here. Thank You Holly and thank you Holy Spirit!

My Taming The Tongue Prayer

As my faith grows and as I go deeper in my walk with God, I am allowing myself to pray very bold prayers.

We really ought to hold nothing back because our God is limitless.

And He knows our hearts anyway right?

Feel free to use my prayer and modify to suit your heart posture or specific situation.

Tame My Tongue Lord

Dear God, what a wonder You are!
You activated immense power with Your Word.
You, it is, Who first spoke anything into existence.
I thank You and honor You Abba because You are mighty and everything You do and say puts me in awe.
Lord, help me to use my tongue to create. 
Help me to use my tongue to and for Your glory.
I surrender my tongue to You Oh God.
Holy Spirit, I need Your help. Even James way back then could identify the power our tongues can wield.
Lord, help me to use mine to build up and not to tear down.
Help me use my tongue to spread Your light and be more and more like You Jesus.
Your Word says that I can do all things through Your strength and I know that You live in me, so Holy Spirit, take full control of the words I speak I pray in Jesus' name.
Convict me Holy Spirit to speak love and life. 
Give me Your gentle nudge whenever the evil one tempts me to gossip. 
Fill me with a repulsion Holy Spirit, for the things that repulse You.
Make me meek and gentle in heart. Give me the supernatural ability to see others through the loving, grace-filled lens that You do.
And grant me the wisdom to speak truth in love. 
Show me God, when to shut up and when to speak.
Let me not waste an opportunity also Holy Spirit to build someone up with Your love. 
Tug me into prayer should the wise thing be to stay silent.
Help me to use the right words to affirm my children.
Help me to speak grace-filled and loving words to my husband.
Finally Lord, thank You for forgiving the many sins I have committed with my tongue. 
Thank You that I am no longer a slave to sin and I do not need to remain shackled to my former self. 
Thank You for renewing me and for taking control of my tongue. 
Thank You for the freedom to take my requests to You. 
Grant these and other requests I have failed to mention in Jesus's wonderful name I pray.

Other Scriptures To Help Us Tame Our Tongues

As I mentioned earlier, today I am following Transformation Church’s Prayer and Fasting topic.

They have a few bible plans that I am following along to in my Youversion app.

Here are the other verses used for today’s devotion:

Taming The Tongue Verse

Psalm 39:1-2

I said, “I will watch my ways and keep my tongue from sin; I will put a muzzle on my mouth while in the presence of the wicked.” So I remained utterly silent, not even saying anything good. But my anguish increased;

Ephesians 4:29

Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear

Proverbs 17:28

Even a fool who keeps silent is considered wise; when he closes his lips, he is deemed intelligent.

Proverbs 18:21

Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits.


James 3:1-12

Final Word

We can all agree that should we attempt to master our tongues on our own, we will fail most miserably and certainly.

But God!

Let us do this together.

Let us state our faith boldly and level up by submitting our tongues to the Holy Spirit.

He can and He will help us.

Be Encouraged, Be Blessed!

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