Stating Faith

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Proverbs 4 – Example of A Father’s Plea To Inspire You

Proverbs 4:20-22 is today’s bible journal prompt.

These scriptures show Solomon’s plea to his son to be obedient and choose wisdom.

Let’s dive in to get inspiration for our own spiritual walk.

Scripture – Proverbs 4:20-22

20 My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings.

21 Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart.

22 For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh.

Observation and Application of Proverbs 4:20-22

Solomon here pleads with his son to choose wisdom.

The instruction here is to attend.

To attend  to something means to give focus to it.

The Word of God is therefore very important and is to be given keen attention.

We are to tend to it daily just as a mother tends to her baby.

Wisdom is not just hearing the “sayings” but applying them.

Solomon exhorts his son (and us) to use intentional effort.

proverbs 4:20-22 niv

Note how he cleverly points out several of the five senses in these verses.

He is showing here that God’s Word is applicable in every way. Just as all our body parts play important roles for the optimal body function, so too can each part play a role in honoring God.

In verse 21, he urges his son to constantly look to the Word. Practically, this is a call for us to embrace God’s Word into our very being.

We ought not to live a life that is in any way separate from our Creator.

Worship ought to be the lifestyle of true believers.

This is why when the Word of God is indeed in our hearts, we can dedicate every waking moment to praise.

And what a beautiful promise this gives us!

We can trust that the instruction given here in verse 22 is also God’s incorruptible promise to us.

Choosing to adhere to the wisdom of the Bible comes with great rewards.

Keeping them in our hearts as instructed will lead to spiritual and emotional healing.

We see too that this ultimately leads to physical healing. Simply amazing!

Wisdom, like love, is always warranted.

There will never ever be a scenario where wisdom is not the right path.

Affirmation – Say it With Me

I am a diligent seeker of the Word of God.

It gives me life abundant and perfect health.


Father, I thank You for guiding me
to your life-giving Word.
Thank You for giving me a deep hunger
for more of Your Word.
I have tasted and now feed from the Source
that will always sustain me. Help me 
Holy Spirit to get a true and deep 
understanding of the gems You have stored 
throughout this life manual called the Bible.
Meet with me Lord Jesus I pray.
I want to have life-altering encounters with You.
Help me to hear You clearly so I can live out
Your will for my life.
Help me Holy Spirit to memorize scriptures
and grant me supernatural recall. 
Finally, grant me the wisdom to know when
to be quiet and when to speak, not missing
any opportunity to spread Your love.
These and other mercies I  pray,
in Jesus' precious name.

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