Stating Faith

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Romans 5:1-2 Faith Brings Peace

Romans 5:1-2 shows us the correlation between faith and peace.

Today we will use our favorite bible study journaling method (S.O.A.P), to break down this precious bit of scripture.

Let’s go…

Scripture – Romans 5:1-2

Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Through him we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in hope of the glory of God.


Paul, who focused mainly on doctrinal principles in the previous chapters, here in chapter 5, veers off into some wonderful practical applications of the gospel.

Chapter 5 opens up with a hope-filled truth that forms a significant piece of the foundation of our faith.

This is what we call justification.

“We have been justified by faith” This is both what sets us apart and legitimizes us as Christ Followers.

Faith is the key that unlocks our identity and opens us up to the promises of God.

Paul is very purposeful at driving home the essential truth here that we get access to God’s grace and peace through our faith.

By starting off with ‘therefore, since’ we see clearly that he is indicating that one leads to the other.

In a very real sense, both verses 1 and 2 highlight the great privilege we get to claim as believers.

This peace Paul refers to is available to all mankind.

The trouble is, not everyone acknowledges it or grabs a hold of it.

This peace too does not refer simply to a feeling.

Feelings are elusive.They tend to be temporal – here one moment, gone the other.

The inner peace referred to often by self-proclaimed new-age gurus is not the objective fact of peace Paul is talking about.

Mind you, inner peace is pretty cool. And, God does want us to experience moments devoid of turmoil.

Still, believers who depend on the feeling of peace will come upon certain frustration as while the feeling of peace is nice, the truth Paul refers to far outweighs fleeting feelings.

Conversely, a person can possess this feeling of peace and be completely barren spiritually.

See Jeremiah 6:14, which indicates that the lost can be deceived into feeling that the peace they experience is sufficient.

But “through Him” only can we be truly justified and lay hold of this incredible gift of peace.


So what does this mean for us?

Faith, though crucial, seems to be problematic for so many of us in one way or the other.

We want more of it and we rarely feel like we have enough of it if we’re being honest right?

But verse 2 gives us a clue.

Faith is something we have already obtained.

You see, Jesus already did the hard part.

He got up on that cross, endured humiliation and suffering beyond our imagination.

Our part then becomes one decision.

Just a choice.

All we have to do is believe.

Believe in a finished work…something that has already transpired.

We don’t have to wait on a Messiah to come and save us from the ills of this world.

Paul reveals the attitude we ought to adopt here.

We get to ‘rejoice in hope of the glory of God.’

We always have something to be grateful for.

This joy is ours no matter our present circumstance.

Our practical application here is to actively and mindfully choose this joy.

We get to use prayer here to activate this joy.

We can even rely on journaling out our joy.

Flooding our atmosphere with worship music can also activate this joy and open us up to the peace Paul tells us of.

That peace the world craves without realizing is already blood-bought.

See Affirmation


El Shaddai, our Mighty God
Today I thank You for giving me access
to your peace.
I acknowledge my need for Your grace 
and peace every single day.
Holy Spirit, I ask that You create in me a 
clean heart and renew a right spirit within me.
I submit to Your pruning and ask for Your help
to cut away all that does not glorify You Lord.
Please push out those fearful and negative 
thoughts that the evil one tries to attack me with.
Help me instead to lean from extremes and instead 
cultivate grace-filled thoughts.
I thank You for the assurance that I have already
been justified through faith.
Thank You God for my measure of faith as Your
Word tells me You have granted this to us all.
I boldly and gladly choose You Lord Jesus.
Today and always,
In Your precious name.

Song Choice for Romans 5:1-2

Today we feel led to share Lean Back by Maverick City Music.

This song doesn’t mention the words faith nor peace, but it communicates God’s peace in a very soulful way.

Take a listen.

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