Stating Faith

Blog Post

Psalm 118:17 – I Shall Not Die

Psalm 118:17 contains a powerful declaration that every bold believer should embrace.

Here at Stating Faith, this is exactly the kind of affirmation that we believe in activating with our lips.

Let us examine it using our favorite S.O.A.P bible study method.

Scripture – Psalm 118:17

17 I shall not die, but live, And declare the works of the Lord.



Psalm 118 is thought to be written by David.

The flow of it, the circumstances mentioned and it being a song also are strong indicators.

Whether it is or not though, this psalmist touched on a truth that ought to bolster everyone’s faith.

Not only is this declaration one we all want to latch on to, but this particular verse couldn’t be more applicable to Jesus Himself.

As we all know, our Lord did not die.

He surely lives to declare the works of God!

Now back to the psalmist.

“I shall not die” is a declaration of immediacy.

It is a decision of defiance.

Death therefore was a very real possibility for David here.

Yet he consciously chose life.

Psalm 118:17 presents a two-fold benefit.

On the one hand, it shows that we can play an active role in outcomes by what we choose to utter.

Even in the face of despair, we still get to decide what truth to partner with.

We can activate our faith to influence our fate.

This scripture affirms the effectiveness of this very practice (and the motivation behind this entire blog) of biblical affirmations.

On the other hand now, defying death and making the enemy powerless to use defeat against us comes through “declaring the works of the Lord”.

The devil is repelled by our praise.

This is a very crucial piece of truth.

This is why we need to armor ourselves with the Word of God.

Note that though David likely understood that death was an ultimate eventuality, he saw no merit in accepting such a fate against the current danger.

Like David, we can resolve to adopt a defiant stance against death.

After all, why should we accept it?

Our Lord didn’t!

And He is the only example throughout all the ages worth following.

We shall live and not die.

Here at Stating Faith, we believe we get what we speak.

Death therefore shall not befall us because of any verbal acceptance.

Nope, death will have to do its thing sans agreement over here!

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Sorry, Not Sorry

And that stance, backed by the biblical affirmation of this scripture shall remain.

We always want to see tomorrow… and tomorrow, we repeat the same affirmation.

I Shall Not Die, But Live - Psalm 118:17

We have every reason to live.

As long as there is breath, we must resolve to declare the works of the Lord.

While we accept that it is not by works that we are saved, we are compelled to carry out the Great Commission.

This ought to give every believer fighting power.

We truly always have hope because even as our bodies decay, God fills us with purpose.

One word, one act of kindness can have far reaching effects.

God is limitless and we must use every ounce of praise to give Him glory and put the devil to shame.


I am alive!

And while I live I will proclaim God’s goodness everyday.

Death has no power over me!



Abba Father, I delight in proclaiming
Your goodness.
Where would I be without You God?
I marvel at all the testimonies You have given me.
I marvel even more at all the innumerable times
You have rescued me that I am not even aware  of.
I thank You God for the gift of each day.
I thank You that my being here means You still see
it fit for me to be a part of Your story.
Help me Holy Spirit, to have an eternal perspective
and to keep my eyes fixed on You Lord.
Help me never to miss the lessons and to fulfil the 
purpose You have for me here on earth,
In Jesus's name.

Gift Before You Go

Around here we like to seal our posts with a praise.

Today we want to direct you to this goodie.

Tell us though?

Do you agree with our stance to fully embrace this scripture?

Do you ascribe to the thinking that we get to influence outcomes by what we speak or do you lean more on God’s sovereignty not making room for input from us?

Definitely eager to know.

Don’t be shy to drop your two-cents in the comments.

Til next time…

Stay Blessed

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