Stating Faith

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1 Chronicles 16:8 – Prioritizing Praise

1 Chronicles 16:8 is an awesome example of prioritizing praise in our lives.

If you read the full chapter you will see multiple examples of how David models praise well.

For today though, we will focus on just verse 8.

Let’s go…

Scripture – 1 Chronicles 16:8

Give praise to the Lord, proclaim his name;

    make known among the nations what he has done.



This is the first line of praise that King David instructed Asaph and his associates to give up to God.

This follows his defeat of the Philistines and the recovery and return of the Ark to Jerusalem.

David gives us a great example of how returning thanks to God must always be the first order of things.

Not only must we thank the Lord at all times and do so privately, but we must also do so in the presence of others.

We ought to make our stance known publicly “among the nations”.

Note too that the tone of this verse is rather jubilant.

King David here isn’t merely giving a command but is expressing joy and modeling such in this song.

He is encouraging those among him to join in this opportunity for praise.

He encourages them “proclaim His name” without fear.

They are not to be passive about this matter but instead take it upon themselves to spread the good news of the God who saves.

Application of 1 Chronicles 16:8 Today

This verse is more than applicable to us as believers today.

We are to wear our faith like a badge of honor wherever we go.

We can guard our political stance on issues but we should be bold and proud to make it known that we are Christ Followers.

In other words, we should unabashedly be stating our faith.

While it is true that we cannot all be preachers in the traditional sense, we are all called to be disciples.

We are to make our lights shine among men so that God will be glorified. (Matthew 5:16)

A person ought not to be shocked to learn that we are Christians but should sense it based on the light on our actions.

Gratitude is another point of application from this verse.

Like King David, we are to have a lifestyle of gratitude where we worship with jubilance.

Zeal for Christ is something to be desired and cultivated despite our personalities.

We might not be as naturally outgoing as David, but we ought to copy his example of always being ready to lift up praise in any situation.

After all, we serve a God whose glory and majesty is inexhaustible.

We need only to be still momentarily to see indisputable evidence of His goodness.

Our very breath is testament to the miraculous!

1 Chronicles 16:8 NIV
See Affirmation


Wonderful and Mighty God,
All glory, honor and praise be to Your name.
To worship You I live Lord.
Let there never be a day that I don't rise to give You 
I live in awe and gratitude and I will boldly proclaim
my love for You God.
Holy Spirit, fill me with even more boldness and zeal.
Fill me to overflow with a delight for the Word
and the light Of Jesus Christ shine through me
wherever I go.
Jesus, thank You for Your sacrifice and the gospel
of peace and grace in Your name.

Do You Ever Just Want To Praise?

If you can relate, this is the song for you today.

This is such an anointed song written by Maverick City Music.

It provides the perfect backdrop to launch into praise.


(Note that Maverick City is offering online writing camps for anyone with a call to songwriting. Check it out)

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