Stating Faith

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I Can Do All Things – The True Meaning of Philippians 4:13

I can do a ALL things through Him who gives me strength.

Have we grasped the true meaning of this beloved verse?

Philippians 4:13 is such a staple amongst us as believers. It has a nice ring to it.

We all desperately want to believe it.

And we should.

It is easy to memorize and it appeals to every single one of us. It is also such a dynamic verse that it seems to apply in every situation.

And it ought to.

Here’s a Bible Study Trick

There is a bible memorization/study trick I learned a while back that is super helpful. It is an awesome way to help us to not only state our faith out loud, but to reflect on each word individually. Put emphasis on each word in the verse, one word at a time; shifting emphasis upon repetition. Let me do that here visually:

Bible Memorization Trick
Bible Study Trick

The True Meaning Of Philippians 4:13

I Can Do All Things

But, is it just motivational pep talk before embarking upon a goal or task?

Is it a dependable energy boost to spur us out of laziness perhaps and stagnancy?

A keen look on the context which can be found just a few verses above reveals a much deeper meaning to our beloved mantra.

The key phrase I want to hone in on today is ALL THINGS. The ‘all things’ in this verse includes some very ‘hard things’.  Paul tells us that he knows how to abound in any and every circumstance.

He knows how to still cling to God’s peace in the valley and enjoy it to the full at the peak of a mountain. He also knows how to be in lack and he knows how to feast in a season of harvest.

These things he knows because he knows Who sustains. Paul is a man whose integrity one could hardly question in this regard. We see that he has suffered immensely in contending for the faith.

He shows us therefore that this is a verse of endurance. 

How Should We Apply This Verse?

Just like Paul, we ought to adapt this truth. We must go through each day with unwavering endurance because we know the Source if our strength.

If we are faced with the loss of a loved one, even something as devastating and emotionally crippling as that, we can still do ALL things because Jesus Christ gives us strength.

Perhaps, you just received a promotion and you feel imposter syndrome creeping in. You my dear, can do it. We can walk into and walk out your new role because He who began a good work in you, surely will never leave you hanging.

The trauma of loss and conversely the trauma of success never needs to overwhelm us because every single day, as a believer, Philippians 4:13 is our truth.

It is really important for us to grasp the fullness of this scripture. Let us not be believers who, in stating faith, only affirm the positive interpretation of this verse. It is beautiful and uplifting in it’s intended context.

Let us glorify Him who indeed gives us strength. And, let us push through this life victoriously, knowing we can do all things because we know who we are and Whose we are.

Biblical Affirmation

Here is a link to my Affirmation for this bible verse.

I post scripture-based affirmations by modifying verses to get a personal application for my life.

I encourage you to speak it out, activating the power of the affirmation.

This is one practical way for us to State Our Faith daily.

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Be Blessed

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