Stating Faith

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2 Corinthians 5:21 – How God Made Reconciliation Possible

Today, we are going to unpack the truth of 2 Corinthians 5:21 for us believers.

Let’s dive right in.

Scripture – 2 Corinthians 5:21

For He hath made Him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him.


This verse shows the depths of God’s love.

It is the essence of the gospel.

It speaks to God’s intentionality and His personhood.

Only the Creator and embodiment of Itself could engineer such a masterful plan.

This is the chess move that has paralyzed the devil.

Love Himself loves us!

Jesus has reconciled us and we now have direct access to God through prayer.

This verse also points to Jesus’ obedience.

We see His great sacrifice as a selfless act.

And it was.

2 Corinthians 5:21 ESV

Jesus, ‘who knew no sin’ was ‘made sin’.

He was never a ‘sinner’.

No one else on earth can make that claim.

Not even the sceptical Jews back then could argue against His sinlessness.

They challenged His bold claims but Jesus’ spotless record was never questioned.

The most they could grudgingly say was that His powers must be from the devil.

That He bore our sin and shame and took our punishment testifies of unparalleled love.

To add to that, Christ modeled total obedience to what was an instruction.

God, the Father, was always the Master of it all.

Jesus, the Son, the Holy Spirit and God Himself were in complete unison for this redemptive act.

Christ then gifted us righteousness.

This extraordinary exchange is what legitimizes us.

2 Corinthians 5:21 holds such awesomeness.

Our only appropriate response to it ought to be praise.

Affirmation (Say it With Us)

I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.

This is not by anything I did or could do but because my Father made a way.

I am loved by Love Himself!


Note: this picture depicts my actual prayer journaled out in June 2020.
For some reason, today, I want to copy it as is. Sometimes,
we don’t need to know why we’re led to do something right…we just respond in obedience.
Glory be to Your name Father.
You are my joy and my peace and
I will forever be in awe of You.
I adore You and my gratitude foe Your love
and sacrifice is boundless.
I am not sure what else about me can compare
to my absolute delight in the knowledge  that 
this verse personifies. 
I can only say thank You.
Thank You God for doing so much for us,
for little, teeny, imperfect me.
I thank You that I can now be called and be
be righteous.
Thank You God.

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