Stating Faith

Faith Pulse

Faith Pulse (June 9)

What is the pulse in the faith world today, Thursday, June 9, 2022?

We got you…

Greetings in the matchless name of our Lord and Savior.

Here are the faith gems we dug up to help you keep your pulse on what’s going on in the body of Christ.

May they be a blessing to you.

Surrendering Isn’t the Same as Giving Up

Here’s today’s encouragement from Crosswalk:

“…one thing is certain for every follower of Christ: Just because we feel defeated doesn’t mean we are left for dead. Quite the opposite! From the depths of our heart, a little signal pings and fires a rescue flare called hope. That’s the difference between us and the world. Our hope is never lost.”

4 Reasons It Matters How You Tell Your Testimony

Have you ever thought about how you share your testimony?

Jason Seville of TGC explores the implications of being unclear about timeline of our testimony.

“Does it matter when and how you became a Christian, so long as you consider yourself a Christian now?”

A Prayer to Be Bold beyond the Screen

Emily Rose Massey tackles a bold question for Christians online that some of us definitely need to reflect on.

Read though and pray along with her.

Dear Christian social media users, do we delight in making Christian content more than we delight in making disciples?

Mom Hunts for Son She’d Given Up for Adoption Only to Discover They Work in the Same Hospital

Check out this heartwarming reunion story just to get the feels.

It’s beyond awesome how God can weave ‘coincidences’ causing paths to cross.

Note that they must’ve made an error with the birthdate; but enjoy.

“It was just over twenty years after Holly Shearer handed over her newborn to his adoptive parents when she met the son she’d given up for adoption. Depending on one’s perspective, 20 years can be a lifetime. Or it can be in the blink of an eye. Sometimes, it’s both.”

God’s Love in our Hearts

Originally penned by Charles Spurgeon, this short devotion invites us ponder the power of God’s love.

“The distinguishing mark of a Christian is their confidence in the love of Christ, and the relenting of their hearts to Christ in return.”

Give to Caesar What Is Caesar’s Meaning

This is a deep-dive into the the meaning of Matthew 22:21 and how this applies to us today.

“This is a well-known quote that Jesus gave in response to the religious leaders in his day. But the give to Caesar what is Caesar’s meaning for us today is often missed. “

God Wants YOUR Bold Prayer(video)

Our favorite ladies from Better Together TV discuss how the Holy Spirit is more than willing to help us release our creativity through our bold prayers.

“You don’t know what’s on the other side of your prayer!”

Faith Pulse on the Music Scene

Do you know about the Kingdom Tour going on now?

It has an impressive lineup of some of our gospel faves: Kirk Franklin, Chandler Moore, Brandon Lake and others from Maverick City.

Here is fan footage from the Florida leg.


BRANDON LAKE – Fear Is Not My Future: Song Session

Brandon Lake is at it again.

Let’s join him and declare that peace, hope and joy is our new horizon.

Pro Tip – See the lyrics in the description.


The folks over at Upper Room just released this recording that is perfect for some soaking today.

Let it wash over you for deep worship.

Perhaps, play during a shower or if you go into your War Room today.

Did You Enjoy Today’s Faith Pulse?

We hope you did.

If anything blessed you today, consider sharing this post to bless someone else.

That would surely be a blessing to us here at Stating Faith.

Follow us on Twitter for random inspirations throughout the day.

We just tweet as led so join us.

Let us worship all day, every day.

Stay Blessed Friends

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