Today, I am meditating on the scripture affirmation for abundance in Christ found in 2 Corinthians 9:8.
This awesome scripture reads beautifully in every translation.
I will share a few with you throughout this post in images.

Notice the focus at the end of the verse?
It tells us that our lofty plans and ideas originate from our Source.
This ought to excite us and simultaneously, give us such rest.
It gives this reassurance that God will not leave us to carry out His plans by ourselves.
It is He who puts them there after all.
Have you ever had an idea and felt overwhelmed by it?
This has happened to me before.
I, thankfully, through meditating on this verse for months, have come to realize the freedom within it.

Abundance in Christ – What The Verse Does Not Promise
Make no mistake. This verse is not affirming prosperity gospel.
Not prosperity as the world and some churches see it at least.
It however, undoubtedly speaks to abundance – abundance in Christ.
Abundance through abiding in Him and His will for us.
Now, this verse does not promise a strife-free walk.

The AMP version especially, underscores clearly, ‘under all circumstances regardless of need’.
This therefore means that God is more than prepared and willing to bless us through life’s storms to get His will done.
It is His will that guarantees the abundance of blessings.
What That Tells Us
This tells us then that this verse speaks to purpose.
In the paradox of purpose, we, if not led by the Spirit, fall into the lure of potential.
Pastor Charles Metcalf of Transformation Church, expounded on this in one of my favorite sermons to date. (Mind you, that list is probably extensive by now)
Basically, we are not meant to do every thing we have the potential to do.
We, as bold believers, must choose purpose.
God’s purpose for our lives is what we must focus our energy and attention on.
When we do this, we operate from and live in the abundance this verse promises.
Today’s Scripture Affirmation

Here on Stating Faith, I like to share my scripture affirmations with you.
All that means is that I personalize scripture.
I apply the truth from it to my life and use it as motivation through activating the power of spoken word.
Hence, stating my faith.
So here it is so you can join in this with me.
I am connected to the Source. God is indeed able and willing to bless me abundantly. He equips me with all I need and grants me the wisdom and assurance to accept that He has given me all I need already to take the next step toward the abundant life according to His will. I no longer live in the headspace of fantasies. I no longer waste time thinking my mind constructs scenarios that are unattainable. Nope. All I have is all I need. Greatness has already been deposited in me because Greatness Himself, the limitless Holy Spirit dwells within me. Knowing I have Him as guide propels me into the purpose God already set out for me. I can rest in the knowledge and truth that His kingdom will come and His Will will be done here on earth as it already is in heaven in my life. God will overwhelm me with every form of grace, making me overflow with abundance in every good thing I do. I can plunge into the unknown of the future with joy because He it is, who guides me. My Jehovah Jireh! I am stepping into my destiny. I am doing each assignment with fervor as unto God and not as unto man. The spirit of excellence is upon me in Jesus's name. This is my affirmation today and beyond.
Final Word
Scripture affirmations are really good for boosting us up.
It is such a practical way to speak God’s truth and uproot lies of the enemy.
We can also turn this verse into a prayer.
Praying back God’s word to Him is one of the most powerful things we can do as believers.
What say you?
Drop a comment and tell us if this verse breathes life into you today!
Until next time…
Be Blessed and State Your Faith!