Acts 20:32 is today’s focus scripture.
We will use our favorite bible study method (S.O.A.P.) to dive into this verse and see what we can unpack.
Let’s go.
Scripture – Acts 20:32
32 And now I commend you to God and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up and to give you the inheritance among all those who are sanctified.
Paul pens this verse in his farewell letter to the Ephesian elders.
Having dedicated 3 years of his life ministering to them, it was not lost on him that God is who he needed to point them to.
He would have encouraged and taught them but ultimately it is God who can build them up.
They cannot depend only on what he would have imparted but would rather have to participate in active worship.
They would need to seek God for themselves.
Ministers are not meant to hold our hand through all of life’s trials.
There comes a time for all believers where we must mature to the point where we look to God ourselves.
Paul imparted the truth that only God could help them navigate and overcome the challenges ahead and the impending opposition.
“The word of His grace” is all they would truly need to rely on.
Paul asserted that the Word had the power to uplift them and give them strength when they feel weak.
It is the only thing that could give them true identity and a heavenly inheritance.
This inheritance comes to those who are sanctified – those who actively seek relationship and a deeper understanding with God.
It is the Word of God that will prune and sanctify and prepare these believers to stand and contend for the faith in the face of opposition.

Application of Acts 20:32
Often, we depend so much on sermons by pastors who incidentally had to spend intentional time in the Word.
(Read 21 ‘Draw Near’ Scriptures To Deepen Our Faith Walk)
Now while these sermons are definitely helpful, they ought not to substitute for our own personal time studying scripture.
When all is said and done, the undiluted Word of God is truly what believers need to depend on.
It is through the Word that we find truth and experience the grace of God daily.
We see in Acts 20:32 that Paul did his bit.
After dedicating years in ministry to them, the most powerful and useful advice he could give them was to abide.
Like Paul, we need to ensure that we always point people back to the Word.
The Holy Spirit will do the rest.
Dear Lord, Into Your hands I commit my spirit You have redeemed me and I depend on You wholly for sustenance and guidance. Thank You for giving me a heavenly inheritance and sanctify me as I abide in You Oh Lord. Help me to hunger and thirst after righteousness and make me cling to Your Word. Holy Spirit, lead me in all my doings. Help me not to venture off into arenas not marked for me. Fill me up until I overflow with the richness of Your presence. Keep a song playing constantly in my soul and bring to my remembrance the scriptures I have read. Help me to study, retain and apply Your Word In Jesus's name, Amen
Song of The Day
Today’s song choice has beautiful lyrics performed by Hillsong United.
We pray it feeds your soul.