Stating Faith

Sermon Notes

Come To Your Senses – Tim Somers

Here are sermon notes for Come to Your Senses by Pastor Tim Somers of Elevation Church preached on June 5, 2022.

Note that these are just my notes.

Even though I made extra effort to capture as many pertinent points as possible, I highly recommend you watch the full message.

May this message bless you bountifully.

Come To Your Senses Sermon Notes

Read: Acts 12:1-16

Key Verse: Acts 12:11

11 When Peter came to himself, he said, “Now I am sure that the Lord has sent his angel and rescued me from the hand of Herod and from all that the Jewish people were expecting.”

  • Some times you just have to roll with the punches
  • Do you ever feel like you just can’t get a win?
  • We can learn a lot from Peter because he had a lot of teachable moments. He has always had to roll with the punches
  • Acts 12:5 is a great starting point

If you want to be able to roll with the punches, you have to:

Remember the church

  • Intensely seek after God
  • This is why youth ministry is important. This is where we teach teenagers to earnestly seek after God.
    • Youth X is July 13-15. It is our responsibility as parents to get our children to attend
    • Is it wise to make our teens make decisions?
  • Why do we do youth ministry? Because it is vital
  • Church was meant to be life
  • Church used to be a lifestyle for some of us pre-covid
  • Neglecting church attendance is the opposite of seeking after God
  • Remember the church – verse 12. The church was meeting at Mary’s house at midnight

Remember your humanity

  • Acts 12:7-10 – All these events must’ve made Peter feel super confused.
  • Angels will do things for people that people can’t do for themselves.
    • Don’t expect them to do for you what you can do for yourself
  • Note how Jesus raised Jairus’s daughter but instructed them to get her something to eat. (practical)
  • Peter got it wrong. He thought he was seeing a vision but nope, it was a miracle
  • Acts 12:11 – Now I know without a doubt (with certainty)
  • Reflection discovers more of heaven and of God and the great moments of our lives, than what was visible to us while we were actually living through them
  • Without a doubt can also mean:
    • with faith
    • with full assurance of faith

Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.

Hebrews 11:1
  • Doubt deals with you…that’s why the letter u is in the middle of it
  • But faith deals with the great I AM
  • You can live without a doubt but can you identify without a doubt?
  • We all have faith, we just may be putting it in the wrong things
  • Without a doubt only happens in hindsight.
  • Verse 12 only happens because Peter came to his senses. He knew after looking back.
  • Hindsight is 2020

Come to your ‘Sinces’

  • Since the angel came to prison, Peter knew
  • Since the chains fell off, Peter knew
  • Look at your ‘Sinces’ because God has done so much for me, I can know He is going to take care of my future

Remember to Keep Going

  • Acts 12:16 – Peter kept on knocking, to tell those who continued to pray for him to be released
  • Everything starts aligning when the Holy Spirit
  • It’s called full assurance
  • Belief is an essential step in
  • We can keep going despite the doubts
  • Your doubt ensures that God gets the credit and glory in the end
  • The only way to fail is to quit. Peter never failed because he never quit

We hope these notes were helpful to you.

If you enjoyed Pastor Tim this week, be sure to also check out last week’s sermon, Waiting for my Miracle by Pastor Holly Furtick.

Stay Blessed til next week and check out our other content right here.

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