Stating Faith

Sermon Notes

Cuffed to Comparison Sermon Notes

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Pastor Michael Todd of Transformation Church delivered part 4 of a series titled: Cuffing Season on Sunday, May 22. 2022.

Here are my sermon notes on this installment: Cuffed to Comparison.

Note that these are just my notes.

Even though I made extra effort to capture as many pertinent points as possible, I highly recommend you watch the full message.

This is the only way to get everything he shared and glean for yourself, what I missed.

I pray this message blesses you.

Pre-Message Encouragement

  • We overcome by the blood of the lamb and the Word of our testimony. This means there has to be a test.
  • Free yourself from condemnation – When we do the most, we still serve the Most High God
  • The thing that takes away condemnation is finding joy in worship

Pastor Mike then introduced a new 80s vibe song that the worship band helped him perform.

Here are the lyrics:

And even when I do the most, you're the most High God
You're drawing close but you're never that far
I'm trading my chains for grace
Nothing can take your place
If I were to boast
It's in the Most High God

You the most
You the most
You do the most
You the most High God

There's no one higher than You
There's no one greater than You

There is no one higher
No one greater
No one like our God
There is none more able
Christ the Savior
Great and Glorious

Pre-Message Encouragement cont’d

  • Don’t look for a program, look for His Presence
  • Joy is not anybody else’s job

Cuffed to Comparison Sermon Notes

  • Name 3 things you love that don’t love you back
  • God will never knock down a place where you have the door locked
  • [Pastor Mike incorporated a couples game with newlyweds to illustrate comparison]
    • He illustrated that somethings are not fit for comparison
    • Tell yourself “I’m a masterpiece”
    • Comparison is a disease
      • Don’t be more committed to comparison than your calling

Declare Ephesians 2:10 over your life

  • You can’t do the good things God has for you while looking at what others have/do
  • “Looking at your lane makes me stumble in mine”
Ephesians 2:10 - Cuffing Season Part 4 - Cuffed To Comparison - Sermon by Michael Todd from Transformation Church (Sermon Notes)

Compare Products, Not People

  • God never calls a product a masterpiece
    • stop comparing yourself to another’s tree. They take years of pruning and failure to get to their “expert” level
    • Stop being cuffed to critical too…we need to give ourselves the grace to grow
    • you may miss out on your greatest area of contentment because we are busy comparing. It’s hard to be content when you re stuck in comparison
    • Look at Philippians 4:19 in context.
      • It is not meant to only be an encouragement to climb mountains
  • Re data/statistics – only use metrics to measure volume, not value
    • don’t sum up your value based on numbers, you can create great impact with the small circle God has given you
    • not because it isn’t a high volume, doesn’t meant it isn’t high-impact
    • Success in the kingdom is measured by OBEDIENCE. Your yes to God is what matters
    • Success is not about volume, it is about obedience

People weren’t made for comparison, yet we are consumed by it

  • We must learn o stay in our own lane
  • The reason why some people burn out is because they don’t have His oil on it
  • Don’t be cuffed to the status/title – Instead, be cuffed to the Holy Spirit
  • 2 Corinthians 10:12

Comparison Is An Act Of Ignorance

  • Be fully committed to your purpose
  • If you’re comparing yourself to something you will never have, how will you get what God has for you
  • “what if you measure yourself the way you measure people?”
  • Again, don’t let comparison kill your calling
  • Hebrews 12:1 NLT  “every weight” – ignorance
    • Address comfort, convenience, comparison(these things can become sin)
    • Strip off the weight first to make the space for what God has for you
    • Being cuffed to comparison affects our ability to receive compliments.
      • The words wont get through because they are stuck
    • Do not run somebody else’s race
  • Hebrews 12:2 NLT tells us how to run the race
    • Just run your race simply because God put that lane there
    • Your blessing, joy, peace, sufficiency is in that lane – Learn to be content
    • Repeat aloud “I got to stop comparing this masterpiece

Comparison Always Starts With A Cavity

  • Where are the cavities/holes in our life that the enemy is filling with comparison
  • Only Christ can fill the holes in your life
  • A cavity becomes comparison
    • cavities only come from (spiritually) consuming what is not good for us

Comparison Becomes Coveting

17 “You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his male servant, or his female servant, or his ox, or his donkey, or anything that is your neighbor’s.”

Exodus 20:17
  • Don’t covet someone else’s covenant (spouse) and ignoring your
  • Stop waiting on someone else to do, and you take action. Do… instead of staying stuck in comparison
  • Want more of what God wants for you and not what others have
  • It is an exercise in frustration
  • Comparison robs us of our purpose and future
  • These points apply to all of us, regardless of age

Comparison is Taught

  • Be careful how you compare in the presence of your children.
  • Don’t set them on the wrong path.
  • Don’t create cavities for your children

Sin Is An Illegitimate Response To A Legitimate Need

  • What you need is real, where you get it from is wrong
  • James 4:2
    • Stop trying to get what you want without God
    • Make asking God your standard/your default
    • Go to the authority, the one who has the power to change your situation
  • James 4:3
    • Watch your motives

Comparison is Human But Not Holy or Healthy

  • Luke 15 – Story of Prodigal son(2 Cuffed Brothers)
  • Cuffing season is settling for something less than the standard
    • Prodigal son was settling for all that crap that was less than him

Comparison Keeps You Out Of Room You Are Supposed To Go In

  • LUKE 15:25
    • This other brother illustrated the title perfectly.
    • Comparison robs you of making connections you were already pre-ordained to make

Being Emotionally Irate Leads To Isolation

  • People aren’t even focused on your frustration
  • The truth is they don’t know. They’re busy dealing with their cavity
  • Pride will keep you outside the room
  • Luke 15:28

Comparison Makes You A Slave And Not A Son

  • Luke 15:29
    • Because of comparison he had a messed up identity
    • Ask yourself “am I a slave or a son?”
      • Nobody can make you a son except the Father
      • Know who you are. Don’t settle for second-class citizen life.
      • Know your royal identity in Christ

Comparison Always Knows Details

  • Luke 15:30
  • He allowed himself to be distracted by what he thought was going on
  • Comparison causes him to see only from that lens. It blinds you

Comparison Paralyzes Perspective And Convinces You To Live Below Your Privileges

  • The reason we have to run in our lane is because there are things we are asking for that we already have permission for
  • Pray for God to show us how to be His hands and feet
  • Pray from knowing who you are and whose you are
  • Your view of God influences how much you ask of Him
  • Luke 15:31
    • Everything God has is ours.
    • You have everything you need because you have ME
    • This perspective allows us to celebrate others
      • Note it says “this brother of yours”

Comparison Always Kills Compassion For People

  • Don’t criticize others.
  • (Pastor Mike purposed to stop criticizing celebrities approx 5 years ago)
  • You will never serve someone you don’t see/look down on
  • It is hard to have compassion for someone you are criticizing


  1. Constant Celebration
  2. Confidence in your calling
  3. Compare yourself only to Christ
    • Christ should be our only comparison, not to see how far we are… but to se how close we are getting.

Closing  Song

Pastor Mike closed out this awesome sermon with an apt worship song.

He led us to ‘No Longer Slaves’ by Jonathan David and Melissa Helser.


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