Cuffed to Condemnation is the 5th installment of a series titled ‘Cuffing Season’ delivered by Pastor Michael Todd of Transformation Church.
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Here are my sermon notes on this installment: Cuffed to Condemnation (Sunday, May 29, 2022)
Note that these are just my notes.
Even though I made extra effort to capture as many pertinent points as possible, I highly recommend you watch the full message.
This is the only way to get everything he shared and glean for yourself, what I missed.
I pray this message blesses you.
Cuffed to Condemnation Sermon Notes
Definition of Condemnation Points
- A sentence to punishment. You did it so you will be punished for it forever.
- It turns events into identity
- The Spirit of Condemnation has you thinking God is a punisher
- But God is not a punisher…He disciplines
Condemnation: to sentence to punishment, or to pass judgement, against, or to pronounce to be guilty
In Christ, sinning is a symptom of our humanity, not our identity
- The Bible defines sin as missing the mark.
- You will miss the mark everyday you breathe…but it is not your identity
- The longer you sit in your filth, you become immune to your smell
- You have to put your faith and your life in Christ, making your eternity secure. After that your history needs to be sanctified.
“In Christ, I failed but I’m not a failure.
In Christ, I messed up but I’m not a mistake.
I lost, but I’m not a loser.
In Christ, I cheated but I’m not a cheater”.
- Note how culture says “Once a cheater, always a cheater”
John 3:17
17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him
- Note that this verse is right after the most quoted scripture – John 3:16
- We need to hone in on verse 17
- Jesus did not come to condemn the world
- Every single person that you hate, God loves
1 John 3:20
20 for whenever our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and he knows everything.
God’s whole concentration was sending Jesus for salvation to destroy condemnation
- Condemnation is not greater than your calling
- God’s position in the universe did not change because you messed up
- God’s strength is made perfect in weakness
- Condemnation makes you feel like God’s calling on your life is void
- Don’t make condemnation define you…Don’t make it your identity
- Whatever you have been given by God is still valid
- The spirit of condemnation robs you of your calling
2 Corinthians 2:11 NIV
11 in order that Satan might not outwit us. For we are not unaware of his schemes.
- You still need to know the enemy’s plans despite your age
- We need to break the cycle of condemnation…it is cyclical
Luke 5:4-11
- Verse 8 represents the seed of condemnation in Peter
- The cycle of condemnation never starts off bad, it starts off with a calling
- Callings don’t come from parents, college etc.
- Your calling comes from the Lord
- Condemnation Cycle – Called (Lord)/Committed(Learned)/Confronted/Condemnation (Lie)
- Your common without God is an empty catch
- Use Proverbs 3:5
Commitment is Learned
- Peter’s commitment showed up as passion
- What are you following that you’re willing to fight for?
- Commitment to Christ is learned
Discipline turns into Desire
- It never starts out as desire
- We go back to our default of comfort when we are under the cloud of condemnation
- The art of training and the art of mentorship should be at every level of your life
- Train in the dark
- Commit to discipline until it turns into a desire
- Whatever you are committed to will get Confronted (by life) –
- at some point your commitment will get confronted
- There are some things we can’t control but we can respond
- Luke 24:54-61 – Peter walking at a distance
- Be careful how much distance you put between you and Jesus
- Peter denied Jesus openly but walked with Him privately.
- Don’t forget that God sees all. You can’t hide from Him (v 61)
- Verse 62 was the seed of condemnation. Instead of recognizing the love of God, he saw lie of condemnation. Note that he was already walking at a distance but here he went further of away. This is where the cloud of condemnation started
Cycle Of Condemnation
- You’re called by the Lord
- You Learn Commitment
- You get Confronted by Life,
- And then you may believe the lie of Condemnation
Condemnation always wants control of your life
- There is no freedom if there is no truth. “Freedom only flourishes in truth”
- Decide to whether you’re going to hide or heal
- God heals in layers
- Who the Son sets free, is free indeed!
- Condemnation is deeper than what our body deals with. it is spiritual
- The root of condemnation
- The Leaves are:
- sickness
- broken marriage
- poverty
- The Root
- stress (science ends here)
- fear
- CONDEMNATION (the big root).
- Note that condemnation is the same root Satan used in the garden of Eden. The condemnation led to fear
- The Leaves are:
- Condemnation always pushes you to what is comfortable. See John 21:1-3
- John 21:7 is a repeat of where Jesus first found Peter. He saw another opportunity to run to Jesus
- John 21:15-17 God will ask you about love even when He has caught you in a lie. Jesus was not asking for info, He was giving the revelation that every LIE can be replaced with LOVE.
Condemnation is fueled by LIES…Conviction is fueled by LOVE
- In Christ, we are never to experience condemnation but we are supposed to be convicted – Romans 8:1
- Don’t let sin have more power over you than the Spirit does Romans 8:2-4
- Jesus conquering the grave produced the grace for your greatest mistakes Romans 5:20
The practice of Communion conquers condemnation
- When I make a mistake, I need to remember 1 Corinthians 11:24
- Communion is not a ritual, it is a reminder
- a simple and practical reminder while we do something normal (eat)
- it’s all about remembering, not about what we eat
- it is not a ritual
- when the enemy tries to remind you of what you did, remember Whose you are
- take it as often as you need it
“I am called.
I am learning commitment.
Life will confront but I will believe Love.
Cuffed to Condemnation Ending Song
Pastor Mike led us out with another fitting gospel track.
Let it wash over you today.
If these notes were helpful to you, check out last week’s notes as well.
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