Today, I feel led to explore the topic of debt elimination from a biblical perspective.
I just know I am not the only one who would like to be debt-free in life.
And, even better, it thrills me to know that God does not want anyone to live in financial debt.
Sadly, we have been falling into the debt traps for centuries.
Perhaps too, debt will continue to be in existence until our Lord returns to conquer evil and free us from earthly shackles.
Still, He is such a generous and loving God.
It should come as no surprise to us that He graciously left us instruction to avoid and to eliminate debt.
And while there are a plethora of useful secular books on the topic, we know that the Bible gives indispensable wisdom.
So What Does The Bible Say
The easiest way I can think of to quickly get a window to what God says about debt is to do a word search.
I opted to simply use my trusty Youversion bible app for this task.
Here are the scriptures I have found concerning the topic of debt:
- Matthew 6:12
- Proverbs 22:26
- Matthew 18:27
- Luke 7:42
- Matthew 18:32
- Luke 7:43
- Colossians 2:14
- Matthew 18:30
- 1 Samuel 22:2
- 2 Kings 4:7
- Matthew 18:34
- Nehemiah 10:31

- Ecclesiastes 5:5
- Proverbs 22:7
- Romans 13:7
- Deuteronomy 15:1-4
- Nehemiah 5:3-5
- Romans 13:8
- Numbers 30:2
- Luke 14:28
- Romans 4:4
How To Pray Away Debt Elimination
Firstly, there is nothing under the sun we shouldn’t pray for.
Debt already incurred certainly is as good a reason as any to run to our Abba.
With God, we can release ourselves of the shame and disappointment and trust that He will help us.
He never promised we wouldn’t endure hardships but He promises not to forsake us in any of it.
The Holy Spirit is quite eager to help us through our troubles.
He is eager to help us navigate this life and therefore, He is the first expert to turn to guide us through debt elimination.
Now we can run to God immediately with our requests. Indeed we can. We ought to.
I recommend as well though, that we sit in contemplation.
Allow the Holy Spirit to show you the full picture and flesh out the plan of action.
Note, we don’t always get the full picture when we go to God but He ALWAYS gives us the next step
Questions To Contemplate
Here are some important questions to consider in your quiet time with God:
- Be honest – What is the raw truth about the current state of your finances?
- Consider the root cause – Ask God to show you truths about how this all came about (Am I lazy? Do I make bad investments? Have I been too focused on big and quick money my way and less on God’s direction? etc). This is all up to you and God so don’t be afraid to tell Him. He knows anyway right?
- What is your relationship with money?
- What is your money mindset?
- How did you observe your parents’ relationship with money?
Debt Elimination Prayer
Again, when praying, be as bold and honest as possible with God. There is never a need to shield Him from anything.
Don’t worry about how it sounds. Just spill ok.
Sometimes too, you can do a google search for prayers on the topic you are concerned about.
There is nothing wrong with praying someone else’s prayer. You can add to it or modify it. It was posted for you to use. Trust me.
Here is my own prayer that I saved in my YouVersion app. I used Romans 13:8 as my prayer point.
Father God, I come against any generational curse of debt over my family. I renounce lack and claim abundance in and through You oh Lord. Your Word admonishes us to clear all debts and to only embrace the noble debt of loving our neighbors. You, Holy Spirit are my guide and I look to You to lead me out of debt already incurred. Open my eyes to the plans You have for me and my family. I pray You thwart any plans that do not come from You and help me to recognize quickly the distractions or traps of the devil, steering my family away from them. I thank You Father for being Jehovah Jireh. my Provider. I claim the blessings of Deuteronomy 28 and I pray You make me an excellent steward over the blessings You send. Thank You God for my giftings and talent. Thank You for giving me all I need to take the steps that lead to the fulfillment of Your good and perfect plans for my life. Finally Lord, make me an extravagant giver. Grant me a legacy of generosity that will trickle down to my offspring and their offspring. Grant me the ability, joy and satisfaction of being a serial-blesser. It is You who have deposited these wonderful dreams of charity in me from my youth and You who still bring these audacious ideas to mind. Empower me to do these and greater things in Your name and for Your glory. I glorify You for You are good and Your steadfast love endures forever. What an honor and privilege to be a part of Your story! I thank You for these and other mercies in Jesus's might name. Amen.
Debt Elimination Bible Plans
I just love Youversion. Its benefits span far and wide.
It should be no surprise that this free, rich resource, is chockful of bible plans to help us study biblical views on money management and debt elimination.
Not only did my word search for ‘debt’ show me all the above bible verses, it also provided the option to see related devotions/bible plans.
Just look at these screenshots showing all the plans available:
So, if debt elimination is one of your goals this year, have no fear! (See what I did there?)
Ok, enough silliness.
I highly recommend doing these bible plans one by one.
It is just one extra way to keep you focused and steer you into praying away your debt or stewarding your finances well.
You can keep yourself accountable within the app by selecting the ‘save for later’ option on any plan you would like to do.
Then use to the Saved Plans feature to access each one.
Debt Elimination Sermon
Here is a sermon from a very anointed preacher to help us on our debt elimination quest. I hope it inspires you and propels you to break free.
Final Word
We can eliminate debt from our lives.
This is an area where we really need to start stating our faith.
This is also an area in which we will need to cultivate diligence.
There is no way around it.

But, we have hope.
We who are in Christ can rest assured that He who began a good work in us, will not forsake us. He will surely see it through to completion.