Today, let us press into this convicting bit of scripture found in Ephesians 4:26-27.
Recently, we made the bold declaration that we will be un-offendable believers.
Today, we will examine how to let go of anger.
As per usual around here, we will use the S.O.A.P bible study method.
This just means we first examine the scripture.
Then we observe the verse in as much detail as possible.
We follow that up by seeking practical applications of the verse for our own lives.
Finally, we pray the verse to God.
In between, we will sprinkle in awesome gospel tracks inspired by today’s topic.
Let’s dive in:
Scripture – Ephesians 4:26-27
26 Be angry and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, 27 and give no opportunity to the devil.
Apostle Paul tells us plainly that we can be angry.
Anger is an emotion we are entitled to.
It is not ungodly.
In fact, we get our emotions from our Creator.
Anger channeled correctly, can be quite helpful. It can lead to problem-solving and righting wrongs.
Anger can be a catalyst for emotional healing and reconciliation.
Paul tells us then that while anger is an acceptable emotion, allowing it to lead us to react sinfully is not.
He gives clear and prudent instruction to handle anger swiftly. It is not to be sustained and linger even into sleep.

Sustained anger leads to bitterness and robs us of our peace.
Furthermore, as Paul points out, anger creates a breeding ground for the devil.
So, anger brought to our Heavenly Father can usher us into freedom and peace.
Unchecked anger on the other hand, will be fuel for the evil one.
Application of Ephesians 4:26-27
So much of what Apostle Paul has penned in the bible is timeless application for all believers.
Ephesians 4:26-27 is scripture we need to take to heart.
Hard as it may be, we need to kill anger swiftly.
We need not sit in it, letting it stew into bitterness.
We especially need to learn how to not react from it.
Rather, we need to lean on the Holy Spirit whenever we are triggered into anger.
We get to run to the Father here.
Literally, we ought to mimic children who tattle to their parents.
Cultivating the habit to be still long enough to tell on our anger (whatever the scenario) will always allow us to pull peace from heaven into our beings.
To kill anger when life unavoidably gives us these tests is one way we allow ourselves to be transformed into the image of Christ.
The practical steps to live out this scripture as Paul prescribed for us can look like this:
- Acknowledge the anger – Suppressed anger will not lead to solutions and freedom. Give yourself the gift of breath. Inhale deeply and consider what just happened before giving a response.
- Pray Quickly – Prayer does not always need to be lengthy. Whenever we pray to God, we access His peace. We do not always get instant solutions. However, the very act of praying is an exercise in peace.
- Resolve – We might want to think some problems are unsolvable but that is our flesh talking. Paul tells us to resolve our anger in the same day. As quickly as possible, we need to let go and let God.
Heavenly Father, I thank You for the gift of emotions. Without them my existence would be so bland. I thank You even for the emotion of anger. Help me Holy Spirit to do the right thing in being slow to respond, and choosing instead to be still and come to You. Let the fruit of self-control manifest in me. Thank You that You always usher me into wisdom and that You are always my Helper. Help me to do as Your Word says in being slow to speak and quick to listen. Help me to respond in love and honor You Lord in my speech and actions. Shield me from the attack of the evil one and steer me away from giving him any room to create a stronghold through mismanaged anger. Thank You for Your peace that surpasses all understanding and for victory over all anger in Jesus's name. Amen