Stating Faith

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A Deeper Look Into How To Avoid Unwholesome Talk – Ephesians 4:29

Today, we will examine one of the verses from one of our previous posts on taming the tongue – Ephesians 4:29.

Here at Stating Faith, we believe that words have immense power.

The truth of the matter though is that while they can be used to affirm us, they can be devastating.

Here’s what we can learn from this scripture:

Scripture – Ephesians 4:29

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.

Ephesians 4:29 NIV


This is very prudent instruction from Apostle Paul about right Christian living.

He shows here that believers are expected to live by a higher standard than the rest of the world.

Also, we are to make a conscious effort to reflect our transformation from our old sinful nature in our speech.

One way in which we honor God, ourselves and others is through our words.

The ‘unwholesome talk’ here then refers to anything from gossip to slander.

It also covers curse words and mean, spiteful arguments and idle, vulgar utterances usually guised as humor.

Paul gives us the clear and desirable contrast that our speech must be “helpful for building other up”.

When we speak, we must consider how our words will affect the listener.

This points to the responsibility of all believers to accept accountability for what they say.

Jesus Himself backs this up in Matthew 12:36, as He spoke amongst the Pharisees.

He warned them that everyone will have to give account on judgement day for every idle word spoken.

Ephesians 4:29 esv

Application of Ephesians 4:29

This scripture has immense implications for us today.

To avoid falling into the trap of corrupting speech, we need to first take stock of our thought life.

Everything begins with a thought.

Furthermore, our speech springs from what is in our hearts.

The good news is who are in Christ need not despair.

We have a Helper who will not deny help to anyone who seeks it.

We therefore need to submit our thought-life to the Holy Spirit.

Ask Him to cleanse our heart and renew right-thinking within us.

10 Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.

Psalm 51:10

We also need to remember to steer away from condemnation and commit to the process.

Each time we catch ourselves slipping back into the habit of unwholesome speech, we combat it with prayer.

Using it as a prayer prompt, rather than resigning in defeat and condemnation will accelerate the transformation.

Remember, He who began a good work in you, will see it through to completion. (Philippians 1:6)


	Dear God, help me to walk this verse out in my life.
	I recognize the powerful wisdom here and I desire
	to be a wonderful representation of Your love 
	here on earth. 
	I want to honor You and others through my words.
	Thank You Lord for the transformation that has
	already begun.
	Thank You for Your grace that abounds in this and
	every area of my life.
	Thank You for the truth that You, who began a 
	good work in me, will indeed see it through to
	Holy Spirit, continue to convict me unto righteousness.
	Cleanse my heart and guide my thoughts I pray.
	Help me not to miss opportunities to be like Jesus.
	Give me a supernatural ability to speak life into
	Your people, prophesying over them and 
	building them up.
	These and other mercies I ask in Christ's name.

3 Comment

  1. This is exactly what I needed and just on time. I really am going to write this prayer down and really meditate on the scriptures you noted here. This is so good!

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