Welcome to another weekly instalment of our Faith Pulse – July 17-22.
Praise Yahweh for His grace and mercy in seeing us through another week.
May He enrich your life with His unending peace.
Here are my recommendations for you of faith gems this week. May they bless you bountifully.
Faith Pulse July 17-22
I Heard The Lord Say “GO SLOW! I Am Calling You To Marinate”
I didn’t read this prophecy prior to writing today’s Faith Pulse.
I was literally about to hit publish and I heard that gentle whisper to check Lana Vawser…and lo and behold.
So sweet it had to now become the top post.
If you aren’t yet tapping into the prophetic, get to it.
Thank you Lana for sharing these awesome encounters and revelations with us.
It’s time to go deeper friends!

“Like an anger-blind, half-starved rat prowling in the foul-smelling sewers below street level, so is the person caged within the suffocating radius of selfish jealousy. Trapped by resentment and diseased by rage, he feeds on the filth of his own imagination.”
Pastor Chuck Swindoll walks us through the difference between jealousy and envy.
Breaking the Bread of My Soul (video)
This was sent to me as a must-watch so I am compelled to be gracious and share as well.
As you might know by now,(see our last Faith Pulse) Beni Johnson, wife of Bill Johnson and one of the sweetest voices in ministry passed a week ago.
Here, Bill preaches a life-changing, vulnerable and anointed sermon that everyone in (and out) of the body of Christ should take in. Let this bless you and make a point to pass it on to at least one more soul.
Blame David, Not Bathsheba. The Prophet Nathan Did
“The story of David and Bathsheba has a lot of gaps. It’s a brilliantly told narrative that requires us to draw conclusions based on what we already know. The downside to this sophisticated mode of storytelling is that readers will make unjustified assumptions to fill in the gaps.”
What’s your take here?
How to Guard Against the Imposter
This writer addresses the problem many singles face today in avoiding those who pretend to be Christians in a bid to lure them into relationships falsely.
“We can all attest that we live in an age of lies. Not everything is as it appears. You would be a fool to walk around believing everything you hear or see.”
The new world order and the whiff of the apocalyptic
“The world under the dictatorship of the global elite… new messiahs who will try to raise up the Millennial kingdom without the King… the linkage of world economies into one tight unit so vulnerable it all could collapse in a mere hour… the raising up of an entire world order that is strictly secular: all this is almost a parody of the book of Revelation.”
This post might swing a little too much on the political spectrum but I think it is relevant none the less. What are your thoughts?
Here is some short, prophetic encouragement to enrich you today.
I love these.
Let Abigail Point You to Christ
“We have a tendency to study the narratives of Old Testament women for their encouragement and inspiration. We want to follow the examples of the “good girls” while avoiding the failures of the “bad.” “
I find this refreshing. While one can hardly blame us for focusing on the stalwarts, so many gems can come from searching out wisdom from the barely mentioned bible characters as well.
The Indispensable Ministry Of Disability
“In the upside-down kingdom of God, weakness highlights God’s sufficiency, whereas strength is often conflated with our own adequacy.”
This article gripped me and I am so grateful to this writer for sharing this for moms like us.
Faith Pulse in Music
That I stumbled upon new new music is such a delight to me.
Since starting this Faith Pulse series, not once has there been a day where I couldn’t find new content ans that is so encouraging…no?
Holy Spirit ‘outchea’ anointing folks left, right and center’.
Here are the bops I found for us to enjoy and spruce up our playlists.
Okey Sokay – Oyel Devotions
This sweet my soul loves.
Ooohwee man.
‘Bruk out’ in worship for me please and thank you.
Get them hands clapping and don’t leave your hips out of it.
Limoblaze, Lecrae, Happi – Jireh (My Provider)
This is a sweet remix of a modern classic.
These guys did a stellar job here.
Ada Ehi – THE WORD IS WORKING refreshed
Ada has come through with a new song and I am here for it!
Let these lyrics soak into you.
Use them to state your faith today.
Zelijah Tishbite – Muzzle
This man ain’t playing.
He says “the Word on me is heavy”
This is convicting and fire simultaneously.
Channa Vine – Prayed Up
Honestly, her British accent is almost distracting.
Maybe I’m just not used to it BUT the message is solid.
Her accent and voice makes her sound super youthful.
Listen and see if you like.
Play it for your little ones too.
The Name (feat. Brandon Lake & Maryanne J. George)
This Kirk Franklin and Maverick City track is on another level.
It has a sweet neo-soul quality and Brandon’s voice is like smooth coffee on here and Maryanne adds some spiritual chai spice to make this a premium blend.
Let your whole body participate in this here worship song okay!