Stating Faith

Faith Pulse

Friday Faith Pulse (June 17)

We are honored to get another opportunity to share the Faith Pulse for today, Friday, June 17, 2022.

All praise to Yahweh for sustaining us thus far this week.

Here are the faith gems we have found to bless you.

The Other Side of Your Hesitation

Blogger, Philippa Williams asks us to examine our ‘what ifs’ – a powerful challenge for those of us who really want to be bold about our faith.

“You can always tell how likely someone is to fulfill purpose by the weight of the what if’s in their life. I’ve never seen anything have more impact on God’s people moving forward than what if.”

A Freedom That Can’t Be Stolen

“Imagine being a slave, and on this particular day, Union Army Major General Gordon Granger forced your master to set you free immediately! You and your master may have heard about the Emancipation Proclamation two years earlier, but it didn’t free you.”

I agree with Clarence Shuler here that it is important for black Christians to speak up about how injustices against us based on our color affects us emotionally.

I agree too that ultimately, forgiveness, difficult as it may be, is the only true path to freedom.

Is God More Honored or Dishonored in the World?

What is your take on this question and have you ever grappled with it?

Listen to John Piper address this question and read along too.

We live in fractured and chaotic times. And we also know that God’s glory is important. So, when we survey our world, and we mentally run the numbers, so to speak, to find the evidence, which side of the scale tips? Does this world bring God mostly honor? Or does it bring God mostly dishonor? In creation, and in this drama of human history, which side is winning out?”

Everyone You Know Is a Believer

Do you agree with this radical thought?

“Of course, you know I could never share your faith.” So wrote a friend of mine in a letter. She felt it was constitutionally impossible for her to believe. Many of my friends feel the same; perhaps yours are similar. They think they’re not people of faith and that Christians are.”

Pots and Kettles

“Something I’ve always struggled with while studying the bible is the relationship between the Old Testament and New Testament.”

This Urban Faith article focuses on the role of prophecy in the Old testament and puts it into context of what we are all seeing play out today – pride being the major culprit.

The Drums of the Witch’s Demise

Ooohwee, not for the faint of heart, this essay addresses the horrors of witchcraft in Uganda.

Still, I encourage the read.

“The boys were quick, but the witch doctor was quicker.

Moses and Kato lived in Uganda’s Buikwe district, east of the capital city of Kampala. Kato was the younger of the two, a mere ten years old when he disappeared. He loved singing and racing along the dirt roads pushing an old tire with a stick. “

Faith Pulse on Today’s Music World

It’s all groovy tracks today.

Yup…what better way to close out the week?


Stevie Valentine – Vibin

This song does exactly what it promises.

Who says us believers shouldn’t be vibing for God eh?

Shake your hips and bop your heads for this one.

Tye Tribbett – New (Lyric Video)

Here’s another banger from Tye.

This is fresh and catchy and of course soul-feeding.

Blessings On Blessings (The B.O.B. Bounce)

Warning, this is not new.

It’s just new for me.

Had to include it cus Anthony Brown even has a whole dance routine to go with this one.

Who forgot to share this with me?

Please let me know if you’re gonna try these moves y’all!

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