Delighted for this new day to share another Faith Pulse – Wednesday, June 22, 2022
All glory and praise be to our Abba Father.
May He envelop you with His presence today.
Here’s some spiritual food I’ve found for us to munch on:
Can I Mess Up God’s Plan for My Life?
“I think many of us imagine the Christian life to be something like a tightrope walk. We’re perpetually in danger of falling from God’s will. Any sudden move or wrong turn could send us plummeting.”
Thank God that like this writer points out, God’s grace covers our mistakes. He allows us plenty of room for error because He is our Great Shepherd.
How to Help Your Teen with Unhealthy Friendships
This article appealed to me instantly, being a a mother of two teenagers myself.
“The look on her face told me everything. My heart sank, not really knowing how to respond when she finally opened up to me about a friendship, one I knew she needed to handle with care and proceed with caution.”
>Does God Prohibit Polygamy? What About The Patriarchs?
Oyewole Akende tackles the growing trend of polygamy on the continent of Africa.
He gives biblical justification for his stance.
Do check out this quick read.
“Does the Bible prohibit polygamy? This question has recently become topical again in Africa. In Nigeria, a popular actor recently took a second wife and commentators jumped quickly to his defence, even offering biblical support. In April, a Congolese pastor married four wives on the same day! Not to be outdone, a Kenyan man recently shared his plans to tie the knot with identical triplet sisters.”
Chew on today’s Insight devotional from Pastor Chuck Swindoll.
He admonishes us to determine to observe scripture.
“Time and again I have heard the complaint, “But I just don’t get anything out of the Bible. I read it and ask God to show me His truth, but nothing happens!” Or people will occasionally say, “When I read that passage you preached on today, I wondered, ‘How in the world will he get anything out of this?’ I really can’t understand why I can’t see what is there.”

Don’t Title People “Pastor” If They Aren’t An Elder
I am rather glad someone is broaching this topic because this obsession with titles can lead to such unnecessary problems
It’s Who You Know
Pastor Tony Evans tells a beautiful story in his latest blog post.
It’s a very short story but oh so encouraging.
Faith Pulse On The Music Scene
God is so faithful.
Excited to share the pulse in fresh gospel music today.
Back Then | ELEVATION RHYTHM and Aaron Cole
Elevation Church’s youth ministry has dropped a new gospel track for the young’ns.
There’s no reason we can’t bop to it too right?
What A Friend I’ve Found / Obsession (Feat. Martin Smith)
Not a new song but a sweet new spontaneous worship moment.
Take in these classics and let it wash over you today.
Avery Doreen – Grace For That
This is a smooth track about God’s grace.
Avery has a sweet voice.
Crowder – Glory Glory (God Is Able)
I love me some Crowder.
This is a new performance again, not a new song but it’s just soo groovy.