Stating Faith

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Hebrews 4:12 – The Piercing Word Of God

Hebrews 4:12 is a very dynamic and revealing scripture.

The imagery it provides is powerful and its truth is sobering.

Today we will take a close look at this scripture to dissect the piercing effect of the Word of God.

Scripture – Hebrews 4:12

12 For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.


The Word of God is indisputably the best and most powerful tool to use in any situation.

It is edifying.

It saves lives.


It has the power to diffuse and disarm tense situations.

It is therapeutic and healing.

God’s Word is transformative.

The Word of God can pierce through the thick layers of hate, rejection and anger.

It can traverse the depths of our soul and touch the most delicate parts of our being.

The Word of God can speak to sensitivities and hurts we weren’t even aware existed within us.

It is so effective that it cuts deep, revealing truth and exposing intentions.

God’s Word “is living and active”

It has this inherent power to bring our weaknesses to the surface.

And what is remarkable is the accuracy with which it works is unparalleled.

There is a saying that the Bible is the only book that we can read that reads us back.

It can teach us who we are – giving us the identity God Himself meant for us from He thought us into being.

And then, it can teach us who we are currently, like a mirror.

It has the ability to discern spiritual truth and bring things to the surface, teaching us lessons we can get nowhere else.

Truth is, we shouldn’t be surprised at the depth that God’s Word can reach.

Consider how Yahweh used the power of His Word to breathe life into all that exists.

No wonder what we get in written form has such a strong impact on our lives…Right?

It is active too because scripture has this dynamic ability to be inexhaustible.

Every avid bible reader can attest to the truth that even after decades of study, fresh truths can be unearthed from the same scriptures we pour over time and again.

It is “sharper than any two-edged sword”.

Like the precision of a razor-sharp scalpel in the most expert surgeon’s hand, is the efficacy of the Word of God.

God’s Word, graciously given to us through scripture, acts as thermostat for our spiritual health.

A person averse to scripture is undoubtedly a person in need of spiritual surgery.

They can appear to be perfectly fine to the physical eye but inside, they desperately need God’s Word to enter in and heal broken places.

God’s Word is “piercing to the division of soul and of spirit”.

His Word penetrates our joints, even to the marrow of our bone but is not limited to the physical realm.

It judges but it doesn’t condemn.

It gives us a perfect assessment of our intentions and motives, revealing complexities we were previously ignorant to.

The Word of God stretches us.

Because it is saturated with truth, this is the one book that compels us to live a much more elevated existence.

It tells us how to be like Christ.

And we all know He had no flaws.

Yet it is not just an instruction manual.

It is our practical tour guide for life.

Then, perhaps even above all, the Word of God is a primary channel to the heart of our Father.

This is how He communicates with us.

We need His Word to measure everything against.

We need the Word of God to decipher truth.

And to spread the liberating good news of the gospel.

Hebrews 4 verse 12

Affirmation from Hebrews 4:12

I am choosing to let the Word of God be the authority in me life.

I will rely on nothing else to resolve life’s issues.

It is my compass .

I trust and delight in the Word.

say out loud


Dear Heavenly Father.
You are my Rock, my Strength. my Everything.
Thank You for Your Word.
Help me to become intentional about learning,
retaining and applying Your Word to my life.
Holy Spirit, guide me into what to study and when.
Convict me to linger for as long as You desire.
Remind me to read to feed and not read to 
Show me what scriptures to hide in my heart
Let Your Word flow out of me at the right times,
in the right situations.
And empower me to share Your Word with those 
around me...even strangers.
Give me boldness I pray.
In Jesus's name...amen

Gift in Song

We leave you today with “Living Word” by Jeremy Camp.

May it bless you greatly today.

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