Stating Faith

Sermon Notes

I wasn’t left, I lingered – Stephen Chandler

Here are sermon notes for I wasn’t left I lingered by Pastor Stephen Chandler, guest preacher at Elevation Church – June 12, 2022

Note that these are just my notes.

Even though I made extra effort to capture as many pertinent points as possible, I highly recommend you watch the full message.

May this message bless you bountifully.

Key Scripture – Luke 2:41-50

Pre-Sermon Encouragement

Stephen Chandler got a word of the year, which is not typical for him. He received that ‘2022 is the year of Purpose’

32 He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. And the Lord God will give to him the throne of his father David, 33 and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom there will be no end.”

Luke 1:32-33
  • The word spoken over Jesus was a lot of pressure.
  • Can you imagine the pressure of being the Messiah?
  • He had to live with a focus and an intentionality.

You have to realize though that there is a purpose on your life.

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,

and before you were born I consecrated you;

I appointed you a prophet to the nations.”

Jeremiah 1:5

You were not a surprise for God.

God plans your purpose even knowing about your biggest mistake.

The problem with purpose is I don’t get to do what everyone else does.

I have to go through things that other people don’t go through because of the great purpose on my life.

Do you find yourself complaining about how difficult life is sometimes?

Do you want to be normal and unused or do you want



  • you are called
  • there is destiny on your life

The Message – I wasn’t left, I lingered

People of purpose are not concerned about being left behind.

  • When you realize there is a purpose on your life, you are no longer concerned about being left behind
  • ‘I must be about  my Father’s business’ was Jesus’s statement of purpose

Purpose Cannot Be Left Behind

  • The ‘prison of next’ is literally a jail cell that has 4 walls.
    • Wall of:
      • delay – “I should be further than I am now”
      • deny – “If such and such person didn’t do this, I would be further along’
      • destroy – an event in my life that has kept me from the next that I think I deserve
      • discouraged – “I don’t deserve next”, “I’ve messed up too many times”
  • BUT
    • If God has not moved you to a new season, it’s because there are miracles that are untapped in your current season
    • If God didn’t open the door for next, it’s because there is more that He desires to do in your Now
      • there is a supernatural move of God in the Now
      • Don’t leave where God needs you to be just to stay relevant – Don’t be concerned with keeping up with the Joneses

For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven:

Ecclesiastes 3:1

Can I Get Some More Details

  • God never gives us all the details
  • People of purpose are willing to be left behind just because God says there is something for you here.

34 “Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes.

Matthew 6:34 MSG
  • Why are you so excited about tomorrow? It doesn’t get easier
  • There is a miracle that is still here today

Jesus wasn’t left, He lingered

  • When there is purpose on your life, opportunity comes back to look for you because it’s a door that God has for you
  • Destiny has to come back to get you

Purpose Leads You To Learn

  • Being left behind is different from hanging behind
  • There is a difference between being left behind and complacency
  • Complacency is not of God – “I don’t want anything else out of life”
  • How can I maximize this season until next comes?
    • Jesus maximized the time, He learned
    • Ask God to show you what you need to learn
    • God is trying to teach you something where you are
    • Some people grew during the pandemic while others sat
  • Someone else’s success should inspire you, not intimidate you

Purpose Doesn’t Take Things Personally

48 And when his parents saw him, they were astonished. And his mother said to him, “Son, why have you treated us so? Behold, your father and I have been searching for you in great distress.”

Luke 2:48
  • People who don’t have purpose on their life will be amazed at what you do but offended by what you do
  • If you are a people-pleaser you will also live an apologetic life, instead of the boldness of who God has called you to be
  • To live a life of purpose, you’re gonna have to be ok with some awkward encounters
  • My purpose to hear that ‘Well Done’ at the end of my life

Did You Enjoy ‘I Wasn’t Left, I Lingered’?

If you enjoyed Pastor Chandler this week, be sure to also check out last week’s sermon, Come To Your Senses by Pastor Tim Somers.

Order Stephen Chandler’s new book on pre-release.

It’s already the Number One release in Christian Business & Personal Growth

Stay Blessed til next week and check out our other content right here.

“Know there is a purpose on your life but you won’t know it until you know the God Of Purpose” – Stephen Chandler

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