Stating Faith

Blog Post

Jeremiah 1:5 – Before I Formed You

Scripture – Jeremiah 1:5

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.

Observation of Jeremiah 1:5

God wanted Jeremiah to know that He knows him.

Not only that, He wants him to realize that God knew him more intimately than anyone else.

He knew Jeremiah before Jeremiah even had an awareness of himself.

‘Before I formed you’ reveals a thought process which preceded physical action.

‘I knew you’ therefore solidifies that God thought him into existence.

God’s thought life was active with regards to the full actualization of Jeremiah.

To ‘know’ someone does not speak of minor superficial observances.

Rather, God knows him on a deep level, the deepest level.

Only the creator of a thing knows everything about them.

This verse is a beautiful picture of God in His role as Creator.

More Observation

When God says ‘Before you were born I consecrated you’, He brings attention to Jeremiah’s current age.

God is now speaking to a young man.

God wants him to know that there was divine intentionality behind his life.

The Lord made plans to ordain Jeremiah as a prophet before he was even born.

This clues us into the continuity and otherworldly dedication of God.

So, God chose to be involved in Jeremiah’s life from the very onset.

From the first glimmer of an idea to a fleshed out thought.

Then, active planning which mapped out a life purpose for Jeremiah.

All this before his parents played any part in the scenario. This is no small thing.

It speaks to the magnificence of God. We must accept as mere mortals that we cannot figure God out.

He is altogether ‘un-figure-out-able’ and we will never be able to fathom Him in His fullness.

“I appointed you prophet to the nations” shows great purpose.

Jeremiah does not get the misfortune of skating through life as an aimless vagabond.

God sets Jeremiah on a mission.

He will not also suffer the freedom of obscurity.

God is making it clear here that He will have to prophesy to many peoples.

His voice will carry weight not just in his homeland.

God Himself gives him this mandate.

No other approval required.

Enduring Word says “This information wasn’t given just to interest Jeremiah or to entertain him. It was given so that he would know God’s will, be encouraged by that, and therefore align his will with God’s revealed will.

Application of Jeremiah 1:5 in Our Lives

Here we can step away from exegesis and search for practical applications from this wonderful scripture for our own lives.

Now God has not ordained everyone to be a prophet.

It is clear in scripture that only some get that calling.

Still, this verse holds immense truth for each of us.

As His creations, we can cling to the truth revealed in Jeremiah 1:5 that we are not accidents.

God thinks us into being.

He is involved in every step of the process to form us.

Our Creator is involved in who gets the privilege of birthing us.

He then sees us through the process and successful exit from the womb.

All while having a predetermined master plan of certain purpose.

We never have to question ‘if’ we have a purpose.

The intentional God of the universe, always has a divine intention behind every single thing He does.

So sure is this purpose that it was set before we ever felt the soothing kiss of the wind on our skin.

My friend, this is amazing news.

It is the biggest deal.

And here’s another amazing truth.

We today, have extra benefits.

We get the ‘cheat sheet’.

Our Abba Father gave us the very blueprint to life in this awesome book called the bible!


A literal instruction manual for life – chockful of instruction, clues, poetry, hope and song.

Seriously, inhale this awesomeness deeply and let the wonder of His grace wash over you.

Slow Down Love GIF by True and the Rainbow Kingdom - Find & Share on GIPHY

If you, like me at one point, and so many others, have repeated the untrue narrative that it is hard to figure out our purpose, let that end here.

If we consider it hard, it will be.

The enemy surely wants us to run with that like headless chickens.

Truth is we all have purpose and purpose that matters can only be connected to God’s will.

And, we get to claim another magnificent truth.

We get the upgrade of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

As believers, we have the power of the Spirit indwelling us.

The good news of this truth is that we don’t have to carry out the Father’s will for our lives in our own strength.

He rigs it all in our favor by granting us access to His Power.

The same Power that raised Jesus from the dead lives inside of us.

He enables us to do all things we are incapable of doing in our own strength.

So, there is never a need to despair.

And, Just like Jeremiah in chapter One, we will be equipped with what to say and do as we surrender to our Helper.

Affirmation from Jeremiah 1:5

I am loved by God.

He knows me and He sees me.

I am His, Chosen and Redeemed.

So intentional is my Master about me that He thought me into existence.

He has ordained me with purpose and He has great plans for my life.

Yahweh has never left me, not for a moment and I am tethered to Him for eternity.

Prayer – Praying the Scripture

Heavenly Father, Yahweh, My Creator
I praise You today for Your awesomeness.
I praise You for Your inexhaustible grace.
How wonderful is the thought and truth that You,
Creator of all things good and lovely 
thought me into existence.
Your word tells me right here in Jeremiah 1:5 
that You are a doting Father
who obsesses over every detail of each of our lives.
You are thoughtful
You are creative
And oh so meticulous
You leave nothing to chance.
I thank You today Lord 
for seeing it fit to include me in the perfection of the universe.
I thank You for making me a part of Your story.
Thank You Jesus for laying Your life down for mine.
Thank You for the heavy and unfair price You paid just for me.
Holy Spirit, thank You for being with me ALWAYS.
Thank You for guiding me every moment leading to now 
and thank You in advance for taking me through to a
glorious eternity where I will be united with the family of 
and united with You in the fullness of the Trinity.
I pray You make me acutely aware of Your presence
and I thank You for holding my hand as You reveal
more of the jigsaw puzzle that is the will of God for my life.
I love You
I trust You
And I give You thanks in Jesus's mighty and matchless name. 

Before You Go

We pray this S.O.A.P style bible journaling entry blessed you.

Never forget how loved you are my friend.

In fact, here’s an awesome praise song that will help cement His love into our hearts.

If you like this style of blog post, check out a previous post where we used this study method to dig into Romans 8:16-17.

Thanks for rocking with us here at Stating Faith.

Stay Blessed.

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