Stating Faith

Blog Post

No Greater Love – John 15:13

Today, let us contemplate the greatest act of love as described in John 15:13.

Scripture – John 15:13

13 Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.

John 15:13 niv


Jesus’ proclamation of love in this scripture is unmatched.

Truly, there would be no greater way for anyone to prove love for another.

Here we see intentionality, boldness and an exquisite flavor of tenderness in Jesus’s words.

He refers to his disciples as ‘friends’.

This elevation would have been quite uncommon in their time.

Disciples were essentially servants and Jesus widened everyone’s scope of love by calling them friends.

Love, true love at least, does not laud position over others.

True love as well, is sacrificial.

It is rooted in service as Christ affirmed in Matthew 20:28:

28 even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.

Note too that as God, Jesus can be said to  be invincible, perhaps even incapable of pain.

However in the human form He so generously and humbly chose, He certainly feels as man does.

He has the same physical experiences and bodily needs.

This knowledge makes His sacrifice even more perfect and complete.

Application of John 15:13

The truth in this verse is the delight of all who believe.

Not only did He lay His life down for those physically in His presence then, but you and I are here now because of this act.

This truth applies to us all.

We ought to be filled with a burst of joy and excitement at the very thought of being His friend.

May we never take this lightly.

What greater privilege is there really?

So great is the love of our Lord that He doesn’t simply judge us.

He sees with loving eyes, making us friends rather than strangers or just mere creations.

We therefore need to state this truth in faith.

We are friends of Jesus!

This is who we are.

John 15:13 KJV
Follow link for Verse Affirmation


Abba Father, what a friend You have given
me in Your Son.
What a beautiful reflection of Your essence 
is Jesus.
Lord Jesus, thank You for counting me as
Your friend.
No other friend I know, or will ever know 
can come close to You.
You chose friendship with me before I even knew
You. I am so grateful and proud to say
that Jesus, You are my Best Friend Forever.
Jesus, You already made the ultimate sacrifice
by taking on lashes and enduring torture.
A debt I can never repay.
Thank You for not requiring me to.
Holy Spirit, teach me to be like Jesus.
Show me how to be a great friend to others.
Help me to respond to Jesus's free gift by
eagerly sharing Your love and light with 
people I come in contact with.
Blessed be Your Name forever.

Song Choice

Today, this groovy track by Israel Houghton comes to mind.


Before You Go…

This free gift of salvation and friendship from God Himself gives us all supreme joy.

Do you take practical steps to be reminded of the depths of Jesus’s love?

If you enjoyed this quick read, you may also enjoy this previous post about taking the Lord’s Supper at home.

That is just one thing we can do to remember that we have indeed experienced the greatest love.

Til our next post…

Stay Blessed.

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