Stating Faith

Blog Post

John 1:16-18 Grace for Grace Through Jesus

John 1:16-18 captures the idea of the great exchange that allows us to have access to God’s grace.

Let us take a closer look the scripture:

Scripture – John 1:16-18

16 Out of his fullness we have all received grace in place of grace already given. 17 For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. 18 No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is himself God and is in closest relationship with the Father, has made him known.


Of all the gospel authors, John has arguably made the most impressive effort to present the personhood of Christ to us.

Here, in these 3 verses we him making it clear that Jesus is no ordinary man and not just the Son of God.

His identity runs deeper.

Out of His fullness speaks to a limitless supply.

We cannot exhaust Jesus’s supply of grace.

Grace already given refers to the former law given through Moses.

It is truly grace for grace – old for new.

Though we now generally look at this law as restrictive, it was still given by the grace of the Father.

God could have always left man up to his own devices.

But such a thing, would undoubtedly lead to pure chaos.

Biblical history has shown us that straying from these laws have indeed led to strife and even depravity at times.

Christ is the new, more complete embodiment of grace and truth.

Through Him, we get the purest, truest picture of who God, the Father is.

As, John points out, this is because He alone has seen the Father.

Christ alone shared unmatched closeness with Abba.

John needed no convincing that Jesus was God.

He knew this by walking alongside Him for 3 years.

His proximity gave him to privilege to observe the very essence of God in the flesh.

Affirmation from John 1:16-18

I am full of God’s grace.

I am living a grace-filled life as I continue to live in relationship with Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit.

repeat out loud


God, how awesome You are.
Thank You Abba Father for loaning us Your Son.
Lord, what a great privilege it is to get to know You.
Nothing has been more illuminating.
Nothing has been more fulfilling.
I thank You today Lord Jesus for being such a flawless
embodiment of grace and truth.
No one can stand against You.
No one can rival Your Kingship.
I thank You today for all that You are 
and all that You do.
Holy Spirit, continue to draw me closer
I pray, in the name of Jesus Christ.

Song Selection

As I closed off this prayer, Holy Spirit dropped this beautiful song into my spirit to share with you.

We hope that this blesses your heart today.


Wrapping Up

How did you enjoy this short post?

If you liked today’s study, check out our previous post on the steadfast love of our Father.

Til next time…

Stay Blessed

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