Today, I was led to journal Romans 8:16-17 using my favorite scripture journaling method.
You can read more in-depth about this method on my other blog here.
Scripture journaling is a very effective and enjoyable way to activate our faith.
It is an awesome way to delve into the Word and meditate deeply to get the fulness of the message.
Here goes:

Scripture – Romans 8:16-17
16 The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, 17 and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, provided we suffer with him in order that we may also be glorified with him.
Observation – The Break Down
The Holy Spirit, the third Person of the Trinity qualifies us as children of God.
His stamp of approval is essential to us being able to make that claim.
This suggests then that without His input we cannot claim our identity as children of God.
Likewise, without acknowledgement and acceptance of His Spirit on our parts, we cannot profess that identity.
Paul makes the logical assertion in verse 17 that as God’s children, we are also co-heirs with Jesus.
His use of the word ‘fellow’ aptly supports the claim that we indeed have an inheritance.
We can relate to the Father as Jesus does.
Verse 17 also points to another essential point:
Because we have our identities rooted in Christ, we also share in His suffering.
Our identity as co-heirs with Jesus and children of God, the Father, does not preclude us from trials.
This is a sobering truth. No believer gets to walk through life unscathed.
The verse gives us hope quickly in affirming the future glorification with our Lord.
We get to claim the benefit and privilege of glory with Him precisely because we will have endured suffering in the identity He has won us.

Application/Affirmation from Romans 8:16-17
I am a child of God.
This is who I am and no one can take this identity from me.
No lie the devil tells can cancel this truth.
I have an inheritance because of Jesus and I will share future glory with Him in heaven.
Praying Romans 8:16-17
Dear God, I thank You for your Word that gives me life and hope. I thank You that in it, I find truth always. Thank You for Your grace that stretches far and wide. So immeasurable is Your love that You have made the ultimate sacrifice. You sent Your son to be the propitiation for our sins. Because of Your great love and mercy and because Jesus, You loved us so much, You chose to lay down Your own life, just to save us. How great Your love is! Now, I have an identity in You. I don't have to work for an inheritance, You freely gave me one. I thank You Yahweh for the family of believers I get the privilege of being a part of. Teach us to be like You Jesus. Help us to grow together and love each other as You intend for us to do. Thank You too Holy Spirit for the blessed assurance that even as we endure struggles, You sustain and protect us. In You Yahweh, we put all our trust. You are our refuge and fortress. Thank You for Your unending grace and favor over our lives. Today and Always. In Jesus's Name. Amen.
Final Word
We hope this quick journal entry serves you well.
May you are inspired to find any scripture in the bible and break it down for yourself.
It is really such an edifying practice.
Have you ever used the S.O.A.P bible journaling method?
Let us know in the comments if this is your first time or if you use another method.
Also, be sure to check out simple, practical tips for believers to conquer depression with selfcare in our previous post.
Until next time.
Stay Blessed