Today, these beautiful verses from Lamentations 3:22-23 blessed my heart.
Let us take a keen look at this exquisite piece of scripture.
Scripture – Lamentations 3:22-23
22 The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end;
23 they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
Lamentations 3:22-23 esv
This bit of scripture is quite poetic.
It is as if Jeremiah broke from all his lamenting to express his awe at God’s mercy.
He recognized that God’s love is sure.
It is a love that is ‘steadfast’ meaning that it is immovable and unchanging.
‘Steadfast love’ here or ‘hesed’ in Hebrew, is a perfect depiction of the constant love of God for His people.
God is the very essence of love therefore He is the only being truly capable of unconditional love.
His love is limitless and His mercy is inexhaustible.
Only a contrite and grateful heart can perceive God’s love in this way.
So Jeremiah here aptly depicts what is to be the heart posture of every repentant soul.
After lamenting over the woes and propensity of man to mess up, Jeremiah returns to the source of his hope.
Even though the people of Israel and Judah were facing the consequences of their sin, God still showed compassion.
It is this compassion that Jeremiah acknowledged.
He realized that unrighteousness deserves punishment, yet God still had mercy.
Jeremiah contemplated the newness each day brought even in the midst of calamity.
He recognized that God can be trusted to be faithful.
People fail Him, but He never has never failed to sustain, comfort, provide for and restore His people.
New Every Morning
In His tender affection for people, we see that God still shows compassion each day.
He allows us to rise. This is a privilege we must never take for granted.
There is great hope in every morning.
We get a new chance to correct past mistakes each morning.
Each morning gives us a new opportunity for reconciliation.
It also brings new opportunity to inch closer to our goals.
And each morning God gifts us is ripe with unscheduled blessings.
The mystery it brings makes life so exciting.
Every morning also brings us an opportunity to pivot.
If we have found ourselves straying away from God’s will for our lives, we get the free will to surrender to Him for realignment.
Just as we can have faith that the sun will rise every morning, we can depend on God to be faith every single day.
Great is His faithfulness.
Say An Affirmation
Biblical affirmations are so powerful.
Now this scripture is perfect for repetition all on its own.
Still, we can personalize it, speaking out its promise for our lives.
When we personalize and speak God’s word over ourselves, we activate faith.
This is how we state our faith.
Here is our affirmation:

I am loved by Yahweh.
His love for me is constant and unconditional.
He is always faithful and He will never fail me.
Every morning He fills me with fresh love.
Yahweh, I give You thanks for Your steadfast love and grace. Your mercy truly endures and I am i awe of You. Thank You waking me up each day. Every day I rise, I know You still see it fit for me to be a part of Your story. You are my hope, You are my peace, You are my joy. I will praise You today and always because worship is all I can give. I am eternally grateful to be loved by You, King of my heart. Thank You Yahweh for not just creating me and leaving me to fend for myself. Thank You for sending Your Son to die in that cross to give me salvation. Thank You for granting me access to You through prayer. Thank You for Holy Spirit to hold my hand and guide my path. I thank You again Father that through life's storms, I can rest assured that You, Love Himself, will always be faithful. Glory, blessings and Honor be to Your for all time, in Jesus' name. Amen
A Song Before You Go…
Our song selection today couldn’t be more fitting.
You might already know it.
It is ‘Promises’ by Maverick City Music.
Some of the lyrics actually speak directly to today’s scripture.
Here is a snippet of the lyrics:
Great is Your faithfulness to me Great is Your faithfulness to me From the rising sun to the setting same I will praise Your name Great is Your faithfulness to me
Is it one of your favorites?
We hope today’s post blessed you.
Let us know in comments if you find this scripture comforting.
Until next time…
Stay Blessed.