Stating Faith

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How Listening Gospel Music Can Build Our Faith

I count it as fact in my life that listening to gospel music has had a profound impact in building my faith.

We’ve heard it time and again.

Faith comes by hearing.

And hearing the Word of the Lord.

Romans 10:17 is an essential and easy scripture to commit to memory.

17 So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.

You see, as believers, it is crucial for us to be intentional about what we listen to.

The ‘what’ makes all the difference.

Faith builds in what we constantly let enter our ears.

Because the verse speaks a truth, we must realize that anything other than what the verse prescribes, will also build our faith.

We need to realize that we are constantly being influenced.

We are constantly feeding our spirit-man.

This happens whether we are consciously worshipping or not.

Have you ever noticed that a child regurgitates what he or she hears the most?

A child who listens to nursery rhymes will sing these all day long.

Likewise, for us as adults, we repeat and embrace what we constantly hear.

It is like clock work. We hardly need to try.

This is exactly why music has always been so powerful.

Shifting The Atmosphere By Listening Gospel

Listen Gospel - Romans 10:17

The music we listen to not only builds our faith but it influences our personality.

If we listen to angry chatter or secular music with destructive messaging, we, even as believers will find ourselves regurgitating just that.

So powerful and subconscious is music that we still find ourselves bopping to songs whose lyrics now repulse us.

Conversely, filling our ears with music and lyrics that carry positive messaging can do wonders in shifting our mood.

This mood shift can then help us to respond to those around us in love.

We spread the mirth and peace we get when our atmosphere is saturated with uplifting music.

How Music Builds Our Faith

Again, what we hear influences what we speak.

In other words, what we hear impacts how we state our faith.

When we hear the Word more, we can’t help but pray more effectively.

We pray back His Word because we know His Word more.

Gospel music is made for us.

It provides such a unique opportunity to get us to state our faith all day long.

Furthermore, there are a plethora of gospel tracks in existence that are directly influenced by scripture.

Some even are fully scripture.

Make Listening Gospel Music A Priority

I personally credit much of the growth of my faith to how much listening to the right music pulls worship out of me.

Would you agree with me that incorporating gospel music into your lifestyle can only be good for you?

You see, I personally have always had a love affair with music.

Prior to becoming a believer, music was still my therapy. Though I got enjoyment and at times, comfort through other types of music, by and large, I was not filled up by it.

Gospel music is life-giving.

When we sing along to praise music, we activate biblical truths.

We literally create a super charged atmosphere that repels the devil.

Battles can be fought and won this way.

Emotional breakthroughs and healing can come through music.

Gospel music is therapeutic and transformational.

Gospel can be like tonic. One song can have the power to drag us from despair right back into the light of Christ.

So let us use it.

Let us make it a priority to fill our space up with it.

Allow gospel music to play in the background of our homes constantly.

Song Choice For Today

Revelation 19:1

This song, led by Naomi Raine, a woman with an anointing for singing praise music, is my gift to you today.

It is taken straight from scripture and is simply divine.

Please take the time to listen to the lyrics. Even if you are already familiar with it, still take it in fully.

Let it wash over you today and may you be blessed,

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