My Future is My Focus Sermon Notes
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Here are my sermon notes from Elevation Church preached on May 22, 2022 by Pastor Steven Furtick.
Note that these are just my notes.
Even though I made extra effort to capture as many pertinent points as possible, I highly recommend you watch the full message.
This is the only way to get everything he shared and glean for yourself, what I missed.
I pray this message blesses you.
My Future is My Focus Sermon Notes
- Humility brings freedom
- The one who has struggled/endured the most… gets blessed the most.
- Do not use your future as an excuse
- You can try to do too much too soon – you can say something too deep, too quick | go to far, too soon
- Use today’s faith to forecast for tomorrow
- Sometimes we want hope for today and strength for tomorrow but we need strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow
- Joseph – His integrity led to his influence (last week we went through 40 years of Joseph’s faithfulness)
- Don’t let scripture be a sedative, let it challenge you
- Your blessing is in the Book
- Joseph had to forgive his brothers but they are still hurting him (lying)in his present.
- I know what my Father said. Genesis 50:15
- (remember he already got a firsthand word from his father in Genesis 49 )
- It’s so important for us to have our own firsthand experience of the Word
- When you don’t feel it… faith it. Don’t place your feelings in Christ, place your FAITH IN Christ Genesis 50:19
All things fall under the sovereignty of God

- Genesis 50:20
- He uses sinful men to accomplish saving purposes.
- Joseph could have spent the rest of his life linked to the harm that happened to him – You can be chained to whatever you blamed. You give your power away
- Sometimes too you can blame yourself
- It can become bondage (trauma bond)
- Don’t forget, it took years for him to be able to say it
- You can break the bondage with a BUT GOD
- The power to break chains is in your praise, perspective and purpose
- Break the chains before it breaks you!
- Don’t play the blame game
Interrupt with a BUT GOD
- Interrupt your self-defeating, God-diminishing self thoughts with a BUT GOD
- But God sets you free to live beyond your afflictions
- Counter all bad experiences with a BUT GOD
- The only way to affect the future is to be faithful right now
- Everything God wants to do in the future is connected to right now
- Be faithful now because some of what you are battling now is for others (your kids)
- If you don’t learn to interrupt the chain, then the chains get strengthened into bondage. Learning how to and applying it leads to Romans 8:28
- Stop waiting for it, to discover what God has for you – STAY FLUID
- Turn waste into worship
- You give your power away when you stay focused on your problems
- Joseph is teaching us that we can turn HARM into HARMONY by deciding what comes after the harm. This is why Genesis 50:20 is the companion scripture for Romans 8:28
How To Break Your Chains
- Jacob said JOSEPH IS Genesis 49:22 (fruitful vine) –
- are you going to be defined by what stops you or how you got over it?
- what’s on the other side of your wall?
- Joseph was a vine but he was a victim, what made him a vine was what he climbed over… and what he brought forth
- Decide that you have something to give
- It mattered not what the wall was made of, it mattered what the vine was made of
- You become a vine when you decide
- Joseph was able to be a vine because of what his father said to him in Genesis 49:22 – what are you saying to your self?
- It is almost impossible to climb over something when you are complaining about it
- Faith is fight for (the right) focus
- Look back at Genesis 49:23 – He now has the vision of all the missed arrows. His brothers attacked him with bitterness but he didn’t let it in
- Be like Joseph and learn not to let it in
- Genesis 49:24 – Remain steady like Joseph. Don’t lose your focus
- It’s up to us to decide what gets our focus
- It’s not ‘their bow’ that matters. You can be attacked by the worst thing the devil has for you but if you remain focused on God, he can’t defeat you
- You will not see the future God has for you by watching someone else’s bow
- He is my rock
- He is my fortress
- Let God be the bow and you be the arrow
- Let Him send you where He intends
Questions He Left Us With
- How will you finish the sentence: But God _________?
- How can God use what I’ve been through?
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