Today, we are excited to explore this beautiful scripture of God’s promise for perfect peace.
This scripture is alive and potent.
It can free us from so much mental torment and propel us into exquisite freedom.
Let’s get into it…
Scripture – Isaiah 26:3
You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.
Isaiah 26:3 esv
Isaiah here points out that perfect peace comes from staying rooted in God.
His peace is not only perfect but it is lasting.
Unbelievers can experience peace but such peace is always fleeting.
It doesn’t have an anchor and is dependent on so many other elements lining up.
Peace not rooted in the Lord ultimately leads to destruction.
Peace sought outside of Him is also an indication of idolatry.
God ‘keeps’ us in this perfect peace despite external circumstances.
We are kept. This is the peace that serves as an anchor.
We must play an active role in this perfect peace.
The verse speaks of the role our mind plays to achieve this shalom (perfect peace).
We must take captive our thoughts and steer it towards things of the Lord.
As bold believers, life must never just happen to us.
We get the awesome privilege of knowing who we are in Christ.
Knowing our identity frees us by causing us to know truth – God’s truth about ourselves.
We are called to be set apart, to be holy.
This therefore means we grab a hold of His truth.
We must renounce the lies of the world sent to distort our identity.
We simply cannot afford to have the same though-life as the rest of the world.
Perfect peace also comes through ‘staying’.
It is not good enough to just think correctly, pronounce His truths and be done with it.
No sir.
We must dwell here.
This means that while all believers have access to this shalom, not all of us claim it.
Read our last post about those who abide under the shadow of the Almighty – Psalm 91:1.
When our minds are stayed on God, external problems do not weigh us down.
Peace will from being focused on our purpose and not giving credence to anything else.
We are not to focus on ourselves, our problems, other people’s problems or even the happenings of the world.
While we mustn’t turn a blind eye to these things, it is still the God who is our peace that we must look to.
He alone can free us anyway right?
Who else can be counted on to give us perfect peace and perfect guidance?
‘Because he trusts in you’ speaks to total trust.
Total devotion to Him gives us the perfect peace this verse promises.
Much like Proverbs 3:5 we:
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and do not lean on your own understanding.”
What we constantly keep our minds stayed on indicates where our trust lies.
So for us, we trust in God and not ourselves.
We choose to trust in the infallible, sovereign God of the universe.

We can use this scripture to effectively combat bouts of anxiety.
Repeating it can help us to overcome depression for good.
The promise in this verse gives us clear, beneficial instruction to keep our mind on the Source of peace.
We can reframe our thoughts and point them to Christ.
This is how we will be victors in the battlefield of the mind.
Our change in thoughts will lead to a change in our actions.
Fear will leave us and peace will be our reality.
This verse also encourages us to make room for God.
We cannot risk being lukewarm Christians who occasionally feed on the Word.
We are to abide in Him and keep our minds focused on Him to live in His promised peace.
My God and Father, how wonderful and excellent You are. I will forever marvel at Your intentionality and awesomeness. Your promises are great, wholesome and full of grace. Thank You for the intangible presence of the Holy Spirit. Thank You for divine nudges to stay in Your Word and to keep my gaze upon You. Thank You Jehovah M'Kaddesh for sanctifying me holy and set apart from the world. I will put my trust in You Lord. Help me Holy Spirit, not to lean on my own limited understanding. Usher me into delightful worship in all that I do. I want to live a life devoted to You, Oh Lord. Shield me from the distractions and folly of this world and keep me in Your shalom as I keep my mind stayed on You. In Jesus's name I pray. Amen
Today’s Song Choice
Today’s song choice is so perfect.
You can trust it to always quiet your soul.
The thoughtful lyrics, the soulful crooning and the overall pace of this song will calm your heart and mind.
In fact, you are likely going to replay this one.
It was penned by Benjamin Hastings of Hillsong Worship. He seems to have an anointing for gospel songs that tug right at our hearts.
Before You Go..
Does Isaiah 26:3 have a profound effect on you?
Will you be taking steps to stay in God’s perfect peace?
This verse has freed many believers so far.
Don’t hesitate to memorize and repeat it.
Take heart in the truth that His peace is ALWAYS available to you.
Remember there is power in your words, so keep stating your faith.
Til our next post,
Stay Blessed.