Stating Faith

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Philippians 1:6 – Sure Victory

Today, let’s reflect on Philippians 1:6 – a verse that reminds us of sure victory.

Scripture – Philippians 1:6

And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.


Apostle Paul penned this verse as encouragement to the church in Philippi.

Here he is both affirming and motivating them.

He is not questioning the sincerity of their walk in Christ thus far.

The assertion, ‘He who began’ immediately gives credit where it ought always to be due for Christians.

Because it is Christ who began this good work in them, He can be trusted to finish what He started.

Paul expresses complete confidence in God’s ability while relieving the Philippians of burden. Victory is therefore certain for them because Jesus Christ has an unfailing track record.

Paul here also referenced the second coming of our Lord. Completion goes beyond their mortal flesh and they will reap the reward of His finished work in them upon His return.

Application of Philippians 1:6 For Us Today

The truth in this powerful scripture can never be minimized.

Its application extends to every single believer.

It is Christ in us that empowers us to do, grow and to finish any God-given task.

It is Christ in us that matures us.

The same power that raised Him from the dead resides in us.

And by the power of the Holy Spirit whom Christ Himself sent, we have sure victory in this life and beyond. We therefore need to practice to take our eyes off of ourselves.

So much of this Christian walk requires us look to and keep looking on Jesus for our victory.

When we recognize that the onus is not on us to complete what Jesus has started, we live peaceful, fulfilled lives.

Failure is not supposed to be an issue for any believer.

Now the scripture doesn’t tell us that because God started a good work in us, that we will be spared troubles.

Rather, it offers comfort in the truth that Christ will not leave us to our own devices. We get to walk through life with divine Help.

The Course Corrector lives within us. He builds us up and gives us authority to right wrongs and redeem perceived failures.

No situation, no matter how dismal it appears in the moment is too far gone.

This verse is one we must keep close to our hearts.

Let us embrace it fully and use it as a reminder to shift our focus to the Victor.

Philippians 1:6

Application of Philippians 1:6 For Us Today

The truth in this powerful scripture can never be minimized. Its application extends to every single believer.

It is Christ in us that empowers us to do, grow and to finish any God-given task.

It is Christ in us that matures us.

The same power that raised Him from the dead resides in us.

And by the power of the Holy Spirit whom Christ Himself sent,  we have sure victory in this life and beyond.

We therefore need to practice to take our eyes off of ourselves.

So much of this Christian walk requires us look to and keep looking on Jesus for our victory.

When we recognize that the onus is not on us to complete what Jesus has started, we live peaceful, fulfilled lives.

Failure is not supposed to be an issue for any believer.

Now the scripture doesn’t tell us that because God started a good work in us that we will be spared troubles.

Rather, it offers comfort in the truth that Christ will not leave us to our devices. We get to walk through life with divine Help.

The Course Corrector lives within us. He builds us up and gives us authority to right wrongs and redeem perceived failures.

No situation, no matter how dismal it appears in the moment is too forgone.

This verse is one we must keep close to our hearts.

Let us embrace it fully and use it as a reminder to shift our focus to the Victor.


Lord, I praise You for Your faithfulness.
Thank You for choosing to indwell
me through the Holy Spirit.
Thank You for extending Your
Resurrection Power to a mere
mortal like me.
Remind me daily to keep my eyes on 
You God. My trust is in You and not
only in my limited capabilities.
Help me to see that You are 
always there to catch me when I fall
and that I can walk in victory in all things.
I praise You today because You indeed
will see this good work through to completion.
Failure is not my portion and I will thrive in all
areas because You are in and with me always.
I hope and trust in You forever.

Song Choice for Philippians 1:6

This verse reminded me today that we have the power to change circumstances.

God can change a situation is an instant so nothing is truly ever lost.

Victory is ours because Christ in us is the ultimate authority.

The lyrics to Authority by Elevation Worship then fits beautifully for today’s reflections.


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