Stating Faith

Blog Post

Imagine If We Really Knew The Power We Have As Children Of God?

As children of the very Creator of this universe, we have been given immense power.

Humans somehow struggle to embrace this power but that is no fault of our Master.

He has instructed us time and again not to fear.

He also gives us great power. Today, let us dig into scripture that deals directly with this.

Here goes:

Scripture – Luke 10:19

19 Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you.


Jesus has granted us authority to bind up and trample on demons. All things from the devil are to be dominated rather than feared.

In the previous verses, we see that Jesus authorized seventy disciples in groups of two (35 teams) to go out and minister.

They got to actively exercise power in spiritual dealings.

These disciples got a first-hand account of how much the spiritual realm is indeed subjected to them.

Jesus says here that we have complete power over Satan himself.

He is powerless. He cannot lay a finger on those who place their faith in Jesus.


Luke 10:19 is a powerful and liberating verse.

Jesus has given us complete dominion over the dark forces of the spiritual realm just as He gave the disciples.

We have the same ability to exert power over the schemes of the devil.

All we need to do is embrace our blood bought identity in Christ.

Jesus who has already defeated death and the grave has crushed the head of Satan!

To sweeten this deal, His Word tells us that as He is, so also are we in this world.

This verse is therefore very applicable and true for us, even today.

Jesus’s bold utterance here ought to compel us to cut all ties with fear.

And why should we continue another moment with any semblance of this fear business?

Fear is actually fuel for the enemy.

He needs it to survive.

Note that the enemy always has to do things in stealth-mode.

He cannot operate in the light because Jesus is our Light. His Light blots out all darkness.

Should Satan err and expose himself for the powerless coward he is, even unbelievers would see the Light.

They would run to Jesus for cover and no longer take their salvation lightly.

That would be quite devastating to the vermin!

But we, who are in Christ…we, who know our identities must stand in our authority.

We must trample the enemy’s head and we must expose him.

Whether Satan relishes his anonymity or not, we mustn’t allow him to get by.

He must not be allowed to continue to deceive unsuspecting humans. Many lost souls have not yet come to see their great need for Christ.

So, let us meditate on Luke 10:19. Let us allow it to empower us.

And, let us cast off all fear. Let it live in us no longer.

We must put on our spiritual armor and praise our King.

Praise repulses the devil and we must delight in doing that.

Let us pray!

See Affirmation


Heavenly Father, You have been so
faithful in protecting me.
You have taken me from the scared,
little child who feared demonic things
to this bold Child of God who can now stand
in full authority to shut down and bind up any 
demonic influence that the enemy sends.
Holy Spirit, empower me to stay so cloaked
under Your wing that my family and I remain 
Bind up all future attempts the devil may try  
to make and strengthen my  discernment. Help
me to spot harm before it comes near me or my 
family God Almighty. 
Show me any weak spots,
any areas of vulnerability and close them for me 
I pray, Convict me to remove any deceptive areas 
of influence that can lead my children on the wrong
Guard their hearts and minds Lord Jesus.
Expose and remove any secret thing that can lead
to spiritual warfare and make us victors in the 
battlefields of our minds Father.
Please direct what we let in through our eyes and ears
and take full control over what we consume.
Thank You You for the power and dominion You've 
given me and thank You for Your armor.
In Jesus's Name I pray.

Song Choice

This is one of our favorite bold gospel songs.

These lyrics by Crowder, affirms the authority we have.

Enjoy it with us.

Final Word

So will you take on the challenge?

Will you allow yourself to walk in the identity Christ paid such a steep price to give you?

Tell us below in the comments how you feel about the power described in Luke 10:19?

Until next time…

Stay Blessed.

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