Proverbs 21:5 tells us pretty clearly what the bible’s take on get rich schemes are.
Let’s examine this verse in greater detail.
Scripture – Proverbs 21:5
5 The plans of the diligent lead surely to abundance, but everyone who is hasty comes only to poverty.
As is customary for King Solomon, today’s verse shows two parallel clauses.
The wisdom clause tells us how diligence can lead to prosperity.
On the other hand, hastiness leads to poverty.
It is safe to conclude that this verse speaks directly to business and can be used as a guiding principle in such affairs.
Central to the outcome on both sides of this parallel, is the act of planning.
The wise man here doesn’t just make half-baked plans with a hope for success.
He recognizes that he needs to pair good planning with diligent work.
He has to be intentional and strategic in the planning phase of his endeavours.
After this crucial step, he must follow it up with consistent action.
There must be dedication and a conviction to see plans through to completion.
King Solomon presents this idea of diligent planning as a sure formula for business success.
The diligent way is therefore the Godly way.
“but everyone who is hasty comes to poverty.”
Again, King Solomon leaves no room for doubt at the outcome for people who take a hasty approach to business.
Hasty planning or no planning at all is a recipe for certain financial disaster.
You see, business and financial success begins in the mind.
If we fail to make smart, Godly plans and instead opt for shortcuts in our business endeavors, we fall right into the category of the lazy and foolish man Solomon describes.
As this parallel of hastiness opposes the diligent one, we know that this kind of person does not value hard work.
Such a person would be content with earning from the efforts of others.
They therefore are more prone to fall for the infamous get rich quick schemes of our time.
The Ponzi schemes never seem to die out because too many people are allergic to honest, diligent efforts.
Rather than saving for a future harvest from just gains, they are lured by the ‘glitter’ of big payouts from deliberate false advertisements.
Often, they fall for the trap of thinking that they can avoid paying taxes by staying below a certain threshold.
Then ironically, they unwittingly pay that same tax religiously through lottery tickets and other such demonic schemes.
Because they are so blinded by the spirit of Mammon, they fail to see that all types of Ponzi schemes rely on the already meagre supply of the poor.
All this chasing riches without strategic planning, without honest, consistent effort and dedication ultimately pulls people away from God.
The pursuit of money here morphs into an idol.
It deceives its victims into thinking they are self-sufficient.

Affirmation – Proverbs 21:5
I am diligent and dedicated and I plan my moves carefully.
I follow through with consistency and I see my work through to completion.
Poverty will never be my portion because I look to God as my Source and Guide.
I am not afraid of hard work and I will not be fooled by the scams of men.
Yahweh, thank You for being my Jehovah Jireh. You created this entire universe and all that is within it is Yours. You lack nothing and You are limitless. Teach me to be diligent Holy Spirit. Help me to be quick in obedience, doing any work You have called me to. Help me to remember that with You, all things are possible. I thank You Lord for all my talents and creativity, known and unknown. I recognize that on my own I can take no credit. Help me to model hard work and dedication to my children and others around me and shield me from all schemes of the evil one I pray. Bless the efforts of my hands and fill me with divine inspiration. Show me the ways I can flourish and open doors for me I pray that no man can shut. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen
Song Recommendation
Maverick City Music is responsible for our song choice today.
This song is so beautiful and energizing.
Check it out!
Before You Leave
So, what is your take on get rich schemes on a whole?
Do you think it is ever ok for believers to buy the lottery and join pyramid schemes?
If you liked this post, you can check out one of our older posts on cultivating diligence.
Til next time…
Stay Blessed