Stating Faith

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Psalm 42 – How Scripture Renews Our Soul

Psalm 42 is a riveting chapter that speaks to just about every believer at some point during their walk.

It is an ode to the downcast soul.

On one hand it has a rather somber tone, but it manages to fill us readers with renewed hope.

This Psalm, written by the Sons of Korah, flows beautifully in any version.

It has also inspired several gospel tracks from classic hymns to more modern iterations.

All soul-feeding.

Our favorites will be inserted throughout this post.

[Praise Break] Psalm 42-inspired classic originally written by Martin Nystrom

What Psalm 42 Teaches Us

There is no doubt that this psalm speaks about depression.

The spirit of depression has been plaguing mankind perhaps from as early as the fall.

While we ought not to feed it, it also doesn’t serve us well to pretend our faith somehow makes us impervious.

Thankfully, Psalm 42 paints an alluring picture of how to combat feelings of despair.

It starts out:

“As the deer pants [longingly] for the water brooks,

So my soul pants [longingly] for You, O God.”

Psalm 42:1a AMP

We see immediately that the downtrodden soul needs to seek sustenance from God.

Ruminate on this very verse for a while…

Do you see that thirsting for the presence of God is ALWAYS a good posture to take?

The writer goes on to cry out for ‘the face of God’.

“My tears have been my food day and night,…”

Psalm 42:3a

Crying isn’t something we need to keep suppressing. Tears can be cathartic.

We need not see them as a sign of defeat. Instead, we can let them flow knowing full well that He catches every drop and puts them in a bottle.

This psalm also teaches us who to cry to.

This is key as when we learn to direct our sorrow upwards, it cannot consume us.

Peace is a byproduct of prayer.

So, even when we do not get instant answers and our issue still lingers, we come away with more peace.

That very peace inches us closer to the solace we seek.

But each day the Lord pours his unfailing love upon me,    and through each night I sing his songs,    praying to God who gives me life.

Psalm 42:8 NLT

Hope Springs From Praise

Like the writer here, we will gain great hope from seeking out our Lord in praise.

No matter the depths of discouragement, we can seek out Abba just as a thirsty deer seeks out water.

[Praise Break] This version by Shane & Shane is so soulful and stirring. Do yourself a favor and take it in.

We can cry and question.

We can pour it all out because our God can surely handle it.

Just don’t neglect to praise.

Let the healing aroma of Psalm 42 guide you back from despair into the wellspring of hope in our God.

See Affirmation

Our Favorite Psalm 42-inspired Song

Of all the Psalm 42-inspired songs out there, Tori Kelly’s version is by far our favorite.

It is so beautifully sung.

The lyrics captures the thirst referenced in the chapter beautifully.

Take a listen to this soul cry…

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