Stating Faith

Blog Post

Psalm 86:3-5 Who Else Can We Call To?

Psalm 86 is written by none other than David.

It is a cry for help from a sure Source, our Heavenly Father.

Today, we will examine verses 3-5 using the S.O.A.P bible study method.

Scripture – Psalm 86:3-5

have mercy on me, Lord,    for I call to you all day long.Bring joy to your servant, Lord,    for I put my trust in you.You, Lord, are forgiving and good,  abounding in love to all who call to you.



Psalm 86:3 shows us that David was completely dependent on God.

He was clearly very aware of God’s attributes and needed no convincing that He served a dependable God.

David models for us wonderfully that with God, there need not be any compartmentalization.

People have often made that woeful error of relegating God to specific times or events.

These may be for very high moments but too often are when the low moments hit.

Not so for David.He declares “for I call on You all day long.”

Our gracious and merciful Father has made Himself accessible to us, AT ALL TIMES.

We therefore must not miss opportunities to call upon Him.

We get to cry to Him for help.

It should be a habit for us…dare we say even, involuntary.

Let us add here that David is hero of the bible perhaps more due to His constant praise than for his exploits and many victories in war.

We would all do well to copy him and thus, live out Paul’s mandate in 1 Thessalonians 5:17.

Psalm 86:4

David affirms here that He knows where his joy comes from.

He is completely reliant on God for all things, be in mirth or rescuing.

“for I put my trust in you” is an intentional choice for David.

He recognizes that what God requires is faith.

Faith and trust is that fundamental ingredient. It activates the promises of God.

Psalm 86:5

The beauty in this verse cannot be overstated.

David shows us why it is so important to know the Personhood of God.

How else can we truly trust Him?

He affirms that God’s goodness is unquestionable.

He further qualifies that with God’s quickness to forgive.

For all of us, this is comforting and crucial.

God is not like man so with Him, forgiveness is sure.

Any Christian who doubts God’s inherent goodness and His assured forgiveness for the contrite and repentant heart needs to examine if they are truly a believer.

The truth is, God’s love, as affirmed by David is boundless.

We mere humans cannot even fathom the infinite nature of His love.

He doesn’t withhold it from any human who calls on Him.

Humans struggle to forgive and can rescind forgiveness.

God on the other hand, never will.

This is why David confidently called on God. He had no doubt that God would honor his faith-filled cries.

Psalm 86:3-5 NIV


I put me faith ALWAYS in the Lord, knowing that He forgives fully and in Him I find joy.



Yahweh, I thank You that I can come to You freely.
Thank You that there are no barriers in prayer.
Thank You Father that I can cry out to You every time
and not have to worry that I am a bother
Or wonder if You tire of me.
You are altogether lovely and merciful
and like David, I can put my trust in You.

Song Choice

Today’s songspiration is from Travis Greene.

Take a listen and let us know if you agree with it as a choice for today’s post.

Who else can we call to?

There really ought to be a clear answer to our parting question today.

Let us embrace the amazing truth that we even get access to God.

May the Holy Spirit convict us all to call out to Him so often that it truly becomes second nature to us.

If you enjoyed this blog, consider checking out our past post about the grand exchange of grace that now benefits us.

Til next post…

Stay Blessed

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