Stating Faith

Blog Post

Psalm 91:1 – God’s Promise of Protection For Devout Christians

Today we will explore Psalm 91:1.

A favorite amongst believers worldwide, this particular psalm is the popular choice for protection.

Let’s dive in…

Scripture – Psalm 91:1

He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.


This psalm is thought to be authored by Moses.

Though it wasn’t left with a title to give us definitive proof, several clues seem to point to him.

To dwell somewhere indicates permanence.

Therefore one who dwells, abides.

A believer who abides as this verse describes, has made a decision to stay connected to God.

Such a person decides to adopt a lifestyle of being in Christ.

This secret place is a place of essential rest, strength and renewal.

Hiding here is a power position rather than a defenseless move.

Being under the shadow of the Almighty God shields us from the fiery darts of the enemy.

It is here where we get protection from the evil one.

It is here too where we can be shielded from the chaos and distraction of this world.

Psalm 91:1 Does Not Refer To All Christians

Psalm 91:1 then does not refer to every single believer.

The promise in this verse applies to those who choose to remain here.

Other believers who stay and observe this secret place from afar, cannot claim these benefits.

God’s shelter is available to those of us who recognize and value His holiness.

It is believers who seek true and deep fellowship with God. It is for those of us who habitually make room for God in our daily lives.

These are the believers who are serious about their spiritual walk. For these Christ Followers, walking with Jesus is the most important part of their existence.

All of the promises of this Psalm is for those dedicated to commune with God for life.

This is a commitment we can be sure God will honor, as He did for Moses.

While this psalm does not apply to all, it also does not exclude anyone.

He, no matter who he may be, rich or poor, learned or unlearned, patrician or plebeian, young or old, for “God is no respecter of persons”, but “he is rich to all that call upon him.

Robert Bellarmine
Psalm 91:1 NKJV

Psalm 91:1 Affirmation

I am dwelling in the secret place of the Most High.

I abide under the shadow of His might

.He protects me from all harm and I stay connected to Him always.


Father God, I thank You for Your protection.
Thank You for holding me close and shielding
me from danger.
I thank You too Father for being so open to 
covering me with Your wings.
I know that I am welcomed to stay in this secret place.
I thank You for making room for me.
Help me Holy Spirit, to stay in this place.
Help me to not be lured out of hiding.
Show me if there is anything that I love 
more than You and remove it I pray.
My desire Heavenly Father, is to dwell in Your
house, to stay under the shadow of Your might,
all the days of my life.
I desire to gaze on Your beauty and marvelous works.
I seek You now and for all eternity.
In Jesus' name.

Song Choice

Today as I penned this one, this song by Transformation Church that has not yet been officially released filled my spirit.

Here is their pre-sermon performance of it.


Before You Go…

Did this post cause you to contemplate on your level of dedication to God?

Are you hiding under His shadow?

Know that it is never too late to make more room for God.

He is so eager to be in Your presence!

Thanks for walking with us here at Stating Faith.

We hope that these posts will feed your soul and help you improve your faith talk.

Let’s grow our faith together.

Til next time.

Stay Blessed

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