Stating Faith

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Romans 8:16-17 This Is Who We Are

Romans 8:16-17 is a powerful scripture on our identity as Christians.

Paul tells us that we are children of God and also heirs.

Let’s take a closer look.

Scripture – Romans 8:16-17

16 The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, 17 and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, provided we suffer with him in order that we may also be glorified with him.


The Holy Spirit, the third Person of the Trinity qualifies us as children of the Living God.

His stamp of approval is essential to us being able to make that claim.

This suggests then that without His input and without acceptance of the Holy Spirit on our parts,we cannot claim the identity as children of God.

Paul makes the logical parallel in verse 17 that as children, we are also heirs with Jesus.

The use of the word ‘fellow’ aptly describes that we have an inheritance and that we can relate to the Father as Jesus does.

Now it is important to accept that this is not true for all.

While we all get access to this inheritance, not everyone chooses it.

An unbeliever therefore cannot make the same claims as we do.

Same too for God’s promises. All are given equal access to His promises but those who reject Him, cannot expect to cash in.

On the flip side too, believers who in truth have this inheritance, can fail to embrace or claim it.

It is theirs, but they go through life walking in the distractions planted by fear and satan’s (intentionally not capitalizing. He doesn’t even deserve that honor)schemes.

Paul also points out that because we have our identities rooted in Christ, we also share in His suffering.

Our identity as heirs with Him and children of God does not pardon us from trials.

The awesome and liberating truth is that, despite suffering, we do get to claim the benefit and privilege of future glory with our Lord.

Affirmation from Romans 8:16-17

I am a child of God.

This is who I am and no one can take this identity from me.

No lie the devil tells can cancel this truth.

I have an inheritance because of Jesus and I will share future glory with Him in heaven.

Romans 8:16-17


Yahweh, in this moment I just 
want to thank You.
Glory be to Your name God Almighty
for all that You are and all that You do.
Thank You for the honor of being
able to say that I am indeed Your 
Thank You Lord Jesus for purchasing
my identity and inheritance with Your
blood-bought sacrifice.
Thank You Holy Spirit for calling me
back to You.
Your word says that no one can come
unto You unless You call them.
So, again I give all thanks and praise
to You Lord.
You are the Author and Finisher of my 
Thank You for making me born again
and help me Holy Spirit to live a life
that models the love and light of
Empower me to point people to
You Oh God.
Thank You that I am who You say I am
and that no devil in hell or anywhere else
can snatch me from Your firm and loving
Blessings, glory and honor be to You Yahweh,
now and forever more
In Your Son's name I pray.

Song Choice

Today’s heart song is Champion performed here by Maverick City.

There are other versions of it but it is beautiful in all cases.


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