Christ In Me, The Hope of Glory

The concept of ‘Christ in me’ is fundamental to living the abundant Christian life. It is a truth we need to acknowledge. As believers, we need to fully grasp that Jesus lives within us. It needs to not just be a fleeting thought or something we nod in agreement to. Sure, it sounds good…”Christ lives […]

John 3:30 – More of You, Less of Me

Today’s S.O.A.P bible journal entry comes from John 3:30. Let’s dive in to see how much we can get from meditating on it. Scripture – John 3:30 30 He must increase, but I must decrease. Observation The speaker here is John the Baptist’, Jesus’s cousin. He was responsible for paving the way for Jesus’ ministry. Preceding […]

Inscribing REJOICE in the Book of Psalm

Fresh off our recent word study post, we are now going to be inscribing REJOICE from the book of Psalm. Inscribing the word refers to writing scripture. It is a simple, but purposeful Bible Study Method that brings the Word of God to life. The intention behind the practice is to set aside time to […]

How To Be Un-offendable as A Believer

Today we are delighted to share what we are learning about being un-offendable. As serious believers who truly want to be like Christ, this is a very noble attribute to aspire to. We have all been there. Someone has said or done something that hurt us. The sting of the offense has lingered for a […]

Why Taking Holy Communion At Home is Essential

Taking holy communion is essential for the bold believer in Christ. It is perhaps the most under utilized gift amongst the Christian body. We observe the taking of Holy Communion generally as an event set apart for special occasions in some churches. For some churches, there is a specific Sunday out of every month where […]

Jeremiah 1:5 – Before I Formed You

Scripture – Jeremiah 1:5 Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations. Observation of Jeremiah 1:5 God wanted Jeremiah to know that He knows him. Not only that, He wants him to realize that God knew him […]

Journaling Romans 8:16-17 Using the S.O.A.P Method

Today, I was led to journal Romans 8:16-17 using my favorite scripture journaling method. You can read more in-depth about this method on my other blog here. Scripture journaling is a very effective and enjoyable way to activate our faith. It is an awesome way to delve into the Word and meditate deeply to get […]

Numbers 12 – How God Views Honor

Numbers 12 holds some very fascinating truths about how God views honor. It’s so interesting to me how we can read whole chapters and stories multiple times and miss so many gems within. A recent reading on a few verses have opened up this whole chapter to me and I have decided to share what […]

7 Powerful Scriptures On Spiritual Discernment

I woke up today with a desire to seek out spiritual discernment. This is an area I really want to be strengthened in. I want to be able to have a heightened awareness of what might be amiss beyond what my naked eye can see. Actually, as I grow in faith and grow out of […]