Waiting On My Miracle – Holly Furtick

Waiting On My Miracle Sermon Notes Here are my sermon notes from Elevation Church preached on May 29, 2022 by Holly Furtick. Note that these are just my notes. Even though I made extra effort to capture as many pertinent points as possible, I highly recommend you watch the full message. This is the only way […]

How To Redefine Winning As Believers

Today, we are going to explore how to redefine winning as Christ Followers. In our last blog post, Cuffed To Comparison – Sermon Notes, I noted briefly how Pastor Mike spoke a bit about success for believers. He pointed out that we should ‘only use metrics to measure volume, not value’. In other words, success […]

Freedom Declarations For Every Christian

We are all seeking freedom from our troubles. Every single one of us encounter situations that test us and often cause us unrest and sometimes indisputable strife. But God does not want us to live our lives in spiritual bondage. We serve a God who wants us to live an abundant life in Him. One […]

Pursuing Meekness in A Fast-Paced World

Meekness is intriguing and quite uncelebrated in these times we live in today. By its very nature though, meekness would avoid celebration. It is not a quality that propels people into the spotlight. Very rarely do we even hear the word. But What Exactly Is Meekness? The Oxford dictionary defines meek as being quiet, gentle, […]

25 Inspirational Waiting on God Quotes

So many of us are going through seasons of waiting. We are waiting on God for breakthrough in our health, in our finances, careers and relationships. Some of us are waiting for a loved one to be healed. While we wait, we need all the encouragement we can get to keep hope alive and to […]

Acts 20:32 – Always Point People To Christ

Acts 20:32 is today’s focus scripture. We will use our favorite bible study method (S.O.A.P.) to dive into this verse and see what we can unpack. Let’s go. Scripture – Acts 20:32 32 And now I commend you to God and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up and to […]

Conquering Fear Through Scripture

Conquering fear is what we will explore on today’s blog. This is crucial for those of us who are serious about wanting to live the abundant life that Christ died to give us. Way too many of us who identify as Christians, who believe in the miracle of the Resurrection, allow fear to dictate how […]

1 Chronicles 16:8 – Prioritizing Praise

1 Chronicles 16:8 is an awesome example of prioritizing praise in our lives. If you read the full chapter you will see multiple examples of how David models praise well. For today though, we will focus on just verse 8. Let’s go… Scripture – 1 Chronicles 16:8 8 Give praise to the Lord, proclaim his name; […]