Stating Faith

Blog Post

Mark 9:24 – Lord, Help My Unbelief!

Today’s S.O.A.P Bible Journal entry comes from a very relatable utterance by a father in Mark 9:24.

It arrested me immediately because even though I can feel my faith growing, I am so aware that there is plenty of room for growth.

Here is how it flowed:


24 Immediately the father of the child cried out and said, “I believe; help my unbelief!”

Mark 9:24

Observation – Mark 9:24

The fullness of this story is seen between verses 20 – 27.

Today’s scripture focus is this man’s faith response to Jesus’s affirmation.

Scripture shows us here clearly that the man wasted no time in responding with the faith he had.

He ‘cried out’ indicating desperation for his son’s healing.

He offered up the faith he had and wisely requested help where he was lacking.

This man’s authentic response showed a measure of faith mixed in with vulnerability.

Application of Mark 9:24

Mark 9:24 is a simple verse that holds immense implications for every believer.

I believe’ is perhaps the most powerful truth we can arrive at.

It is fundamental to our faith walk and makes all the difference in where our souls ultimately will end up.

Such simple words, yet so weighty.

Belief in God is the essential ingredient, without which, we cannot truly claim our blood-bought new identity.’

Help my unbelief’ is as authentic and humbling for this story’s father as it is for us today. Every believer needs a greater measure of faith.

Even for those of us who can be considered to be mature Christians, this cry rings true.

It is ok for us to accept that we struggle with unbelief.

Truth is we were all given our own mustard seed’s worth of faith.

And moreover, we do have all that we need for life and Godliness.

Still, even after witnessing great miracles and experiencing miraculous breakthroughs, we need help with unbelief.Jesus understands this and He has already made provision for our weak faith.

He knows that we need to be reminded constantly. This is why He sent us the Helper.

For us, calling upon the power of the Holy Spirit is crucial.

We go to the feet of Jesus daily in prayer. We cling to the Holy Spirit, allowing Him to guide us through life’s hills and valleys.

Affirmation – Mark 9:24

I am a bold believer in Christ Jesus.

His grace is sufficient for my unbelief.

I can bring all my troubles to Him, knowing that it is not by my might, nor my power but by His Spirit that I will overcome my struggles.


Abba Father, You are big and mighty 
and omniscient.
You are all powerful. You created everything 
from nothing 
and there is no such thing as 
impossibility with You.
Thank You for the gift of Jesus. Thank You Jesus 
for coming 
to earth as man and performing the 
ultimate impossible act, 
defeating death and the grave.
Thanks to You Lord Jesus, we see that all things 
are indeed possible
 for those who believe.
Therefore Lord, help my unbelief.
Thank You for giving me my measure of faith.
Grant me more I pray. I boldly ask 
by the power of the Holy Spirit, that You increase 
my faith.
Help me God to remember who I am in You 
Lord Jesus 
and help me to remember that 
I am Yours.
I am a victor because You already won the victory.

Song Choice for Mark 9:24

Here is a very powerful and sobering song that is perfect for today’s reflection.

Somehow, this acoustic performance always ends up on repeat. It causes such deep reflection.

I am very grateful for it.


Before You Go…

If you like this style of blog post, check out a previous post where we used this study method to dig into Jeremiah 1:5.

Thanks for rocking with us here at Stating Faith.

Stay Blessed.

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