Stating Faith

Sermon Notes

Waiting On My Miracle – Holly Furtick

Waiting On My Miracle Sermon Notes

Here are my sermon notes from Elevation Church preached on May 29, 2022 by Holly Furtick.

Note that these are just my notes.

Even though I made extra effort to capture as many pertinent points as possible, I highly recommend you watch the full message.

This is the only way to get everything she shared and glean for yourself, what I missed.

I pray this message blesses you.

Mark 5:21-23

21 And when Jesus had crossed again in the boat to the other side, a great crowd gathered about him, and he was beside the sea. 22 Then came one of the rulers of the synagogue, Jairus by name, and seeing him, he fell at his feet 23 and implored him earnestly, saying, “My little daughter is at the point of death. Come and lay your hands on her, so that she may be made well and live.”

Be Specific With God

  • It is not a bad thing to be specific with God
  • Philippians 4 tells us to present our requests to God
  • He wants us to pray about everything
  • Don’t let the list, the how or the when become front and center, missing out on the more important part – That God is with us.
  • He is a very present help in times of trouble

That’s Not Fair

  • Read Mark 5:24-34
  • What do you do when someone else’s prayer is being answered, not yours:
  • Note that for 10 verses, Jairus isn’t even mentioned
  • When we come to God with our ‘It’s not fair’, we have to remember that He is our Heavenly Father, and He is perfect. He is not ‘doing His best’…He KNOWS what is best for us
  • I just have to trust that He is a good Father and He will not fail me

Fighting Against The Crushing Crowd

  • The only way to get through the crowd is to stay close
  • When you are waiting on a miracle, you have 2 choices:
    • stay close
    • get carried away
  • When you are desperate, the number one tool the enemy uses is to get you to drift away from Jesus

How To Stay Close To Jesus

  • Push through the crowd to stay close to Jesus
  • Make a conscious effort to build your faith on other people’s answered prayers
  • Jairus had the choice to get angry
  • He chose to accept that if Jesus could do it for her, He could do it for me

God, Are You Even Listening To Me?

  • Even though God didn’t answer the prayer the way I wanted, I realized He did a work in me
  • God doesn’t give us an indication if the end is in sight…that’s why you just have to stay close

What If God Was Like DoorDash?

  • Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a heaven app…one where you could track the progress of your request
  • But that’s not how God works
  • He gives no timeframes

Why Doesn’t God Give Us A Timeline?

  • God was doing a work in Jairus’s heart
  • God doesn’t give us a timeline because He is doing something so much bigger
  • Jesus wasn’t being passive-aggressive or messing with Jairus. He was doing something bigger.
    • He was teaching the disciples something through this miracle
  • If God gives us everything we pray for, we will become spoilt brats who only come to Him when we need something
  • God is more concerned about our hearts than our situation
  • God can do anything, but He is doing something bigger in your life
  • He is working something in your heart
  • He is saying “Don’t be afraid, Just believe”
  • When we are faced with these situations we can wither focus on our fear or focus on the One who is with us
  • Fear will cause us to flee
  • When your mind gets clouded, You got to look up [See Psalm 121:1-2]

Watch Out Who You Surround Yourself With

  • Read Mark 5:36-37
  • When you are waiting on God for a miracle, you have to stay close, look up and you have to watch out because who you allow in your life will make or break your faith
  • Even Jesus knew this situation was not for everyone
  • The people you allow into your darkest moment have to be
    • people of faith
    • people who have been there before
  • Well-meaning people in your life can hinder your faith
  • Find people who can empathise with you
  • Sometimes staying close is pushing in and leaning in to the people who God has placed in your life who love you and will pray for you, who have been there before etc.

One Of The Best Things I’ve Learned About Prayer

  • Read Mark 5:40-43
  • Jairus didn’t get what he asked for. He asked for healing but what he got was resurrection
  • Holly has learned to hold her list with a light grip. Sometimes God is going to ask us to let go of our list, but hold firm to our faith
  • My faith is not in the list. My faith is in the God who works all things for my good
  • There is no darkness you can experience that Jesus has not already felt

Jesus Can Empathize With What You Feel

  • Read Hebrews 4:14-16
  • Jesus is the true friend
  • He is the true Empathizer
  • You can come to Him with confidence
  • While we wait for Him to give us an answer, we find grace and mercy in our time of need
  • It is in the waiting that we get to know Him better
  • He is not just a God who heals…He is a God who is with us in our pain, confusion, frustration and in our disappointment.
  • Our Lord stands ready with the grace we need for each moment

You Will Come Out Of This Stronger

  • If you stay close, you will come out stronger on the other side
  • Memorize Isaiah 40:28-31
Isaiah 40:28-31 - Waiting on My Miracle

If these notes were helpful to you, check out our notes from last week as well.

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