Would You Rather games are always a hit at physical and virtual gatherings.
These bible edition questions will be perfect ice-breakers for leading small groups or to engage teenagers.
We all know that youngsters these days are so easily distracted and keeping their focus can be quite challenging.
With everything out there in the world clamoring for their attention, it is so crucial to stimulate them when we get the opportunity to minister to them for weekly youth ministry meetings or bible study.
It will be fun for them and it will help them recall bible facts.
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Would You Rather Bible Game
- See Jesus walk on water or watch him heal a blind man?
- Live in a whale’s belly for 3 days or be imprisoned for 2 years?
- Build an ark or rebuild the temple?
- See Jesus cast demons into pigs or watch Him raise Lazarus from the dead?
- Wander in the desert for 40 years or be struck dumb for 9 months?
- Be witness to the Tower of Babel or be in the Upper Room on the day of Pentecost?
- Be fed by ravens or be spoken to by a donkey?
- Watch Jesus ascend into heaven or bring Baby Jesus a gift?
- Be in the boat with Jesus during the storm or be present as He fed the 5000?
- Have the strength of Samson or the wisdom of Solomon?
- Deceive your brother to give up his birthright or trick your son in law to sleep with your other daughter?
- Be present to see the writing on the wall or witness Samuel hearing his name being called 3 times?
- Eat with Jesus at the Last Supper or drink some of the water He turned into wine?

- Be stuck in the ark for a year or hide out in a cave for 3 months?
- Kill a lion with your bare hands or defeat a giant with only one stone?
- Defeat the Philistine army with a donkey’s jawbone or lead a 300 man army into a battle against the Midianites with only horns, jars, torches and a battle cry?
- Witness the dove descend upon Jesus or get to see what He wrote in the sand?
- Witness fire consuming Elijah’s altar or see the burning bush talking to Moses?
- Carry Jesus’s cross to Golgotha or carry the ark of the covenant across Jordan River?
- Watch Jesus flip tables in the synagogue or see Him make the fig tree dry up?
- Get 15 extra years to live or be carried to heaven in a chariot of fire?
- Survive a famine or the 10 plagues?
- Have Jesus rub spit on your eyes or tell you all about extra-marital affairs?
- Have dinner with Daniel or with Elijah?
- Follow Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration or tag along with Moses on Mount Sinai?
How To Spice up The Would You Rather Bible Edition Game
One way to take this to another level with your youngsters is to have them identify which bible book each scenario comes from?
This will help test their memory and up the ante if you decide to have them compete as teams.
You can also have them name the bible characters that are not identified.
What do you think of these Would You Rather Questions?
It was really fun to come up with this list of 25 questions but so many others are possible.
Don’t hesitate to share any that comes to mind with us in the comments.
This is pretty funny and creative!
Stoked you like it. It was a lot of fun to do