Today, as promised from our critical look at biblical visualization, we will use Matthew 11:29-30 to launch into a visualization exercise.
This is a scripture we believe you will find yourself running to often for comfort and freedom.
We also highly recommend that you unplug from devices while doing this.
So if you intend to use our example, simply read through and do on your own after.
You will find this doesn’t need to be a long exercise.
Now grab a pen and paper in expectation of having a heart to heart conversation with God.
Then, begin the steps below.

Step One – Be Still
Quiet your heart and mind. Take a moment to wash off your day. Rid your mind of distractions.
Let go of any overwhelming feelings and thoughts.
Try to be free of the busyness that comes with our daily lives.
This is where you choose to intentionally lean into God’s presence.
Step Two – Write the Scripture
28 Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”
MATTHEW 11:28-30 ESV
Step Three – Repetition
Repeat this scripture a few times.
Speak it to yourself softly until you can say it with closed eyes.
You will find that just this simple practice will be quite calming.
Step Four – Imagine
While doing step 3, begin to ponder the scripture, allowing the eyes of your heart to form a picture.
What do you see?
Picture Jesus…Imagine walking up to him with a regular sized, but heavy backpack.
Perhaps, bricks are in yours – each brick representing the weight of all your (or other people’s) problems.
Now, see Him smiling at you as you ask Him to take your heavy backpack.
See yourself handing it over to Him.
Now, imagine Him giving you a bigger backpack in return.
A big camper’s backpack might do (it’s up to you).
For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
As you put on His big backpack, imagine that it feels weightless.
Not only that, imagine that it is the most snug backpack you’ve ever worn.
Imagine that is feels just like a loving hug.
There it is…Breathe out those now distant problems and receive His loving embrace.
He keeps His promises and your problems are best handled at His feet.
Step Five – Linger and Write
Don’t rush out of this.
We said before that this doesn’t need to be a long process.
If you are pressed for time, step 4 might be all you need to access Christ’s peace quickly.
Still, if you can linger a while, do so.
Write down your thoughts.
Pro Tip: You can turn this scripture into a prayer back to Him.
Step Six – Listen
When we sit still to meditate on God’s Word, we must listen to Him.
Surely, in this heart to heart, God has something to say.
Chances are, He has instruction for you to action regarding the issue you laid at His feet.
If you don’t receive that kind of direct response, don’t worry.
Still sit there and bask in the gratitude and peace this meeting brings.
Sit there and let Him love you.
That is the overwhelming message He constantly shouts(or whispers) back to us.
Step 7 – Pray
What better response can we give God but worship.
Whisper a prayer of gratitude to Him.
Tell Him anything else on your heart.

Before You Go
Were you able to visualize yourself doing the burden exchange with Jesus?
Have you found too that Matthew 11:28-30 is like a spiritual tonic?
We really hope you found these tips helpful.
Try it and let us know if you were refreshed.
Also, you can download our free 7-step guide to biblical visualization.
Til our next post…
Stay Blessed